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Built-In Analytics

TravelFeed Hosting comes with built-in analytics that are privacy-friendly and cookieless.


You need to have TravelFeed Hosting set up for your blog.

TravelFeed provides built-in analytics for your travel blog. Here's what you need to know:

  • We use the open-source version of Plausible Analytics, hosted on EU servers for data protection.
  • Plausible Analytics uses a cookieless, privacy-friendly analytics system. No need for cookie banners or GDPR consent
  • You can view your analytics in the TravelFeed dashboard under the Hosting section in the Analytics tab.
  • Analytics are automatically enabled when you use TravelFeed Hosting. No extra setup is needed.
  • Viewing analytics is not included in the basic plan, but it's available with the free trial, pro plan, and VIP plan.
  • Our analytics are simple and easy to understand, even if you're not a tech expert.

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