Welcome ☀️ Traveller

As announced in the last post right after a good wine and some tasty food i grabbed my camera bag and went out to finally check out the beach and see if the Côte (coast) really is that Azur (blue) as it's name suggests. Sunset was around the corner already and it was a really nice and warm evening for a sunset mood stroll down to the Côte d'Azur and it absolutely didn't disappoint. Join me now for an evening photowalk and see for yourself.

Côte d'Azur

Oh yeah, it really is sooo very beautifully blue that my first thought was if i could even capture this right. I guess anyone who's been there and seen this blue knows what i mean.

Côte d'Azur - Beachview
Côte d'Azur - Beachview

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Panoramic View

Next thing i had to do was a panoramic shot that works very well as an establishing shot of where we are. We are standing on the Promenade des Anglais overlooking the whole of the bay with the harbour to the left and the airport and the sunset to the right.

Côte d'Azur Panorama
Côte d'Azur Panorama

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Port de Nice Lympia

As you can see on the previous photos the sky was pretty dramatic and a little later the clouds just closed the sky off and it went dark very fast. So i went back to the appartement and came back after work on the next day for the following photos. This time with a much better sunset mood i was going to the harbour where some really nice big and surely expensive Yachts were lying.

Port de Nice Lympia Yachts
Port de Nice Lympia Yachts

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Before we move on to enjoy the sunset mood and light let's have a look back on Le Port (the harbour) and the foothills of the Ligurian Alps with a sunlit crane heavily contrasting those all white yachts.

Nice Harbour Crane
Nice Harbour Crane

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Now let's walk down the docks a bit and turn around to catch the sunlight on the lighthouse of the harbour.

Nice Harbour Sunset
Nice Harbour Sunset

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Let's climb on those wave breakers for a better vantage point to zoom in on the lighthouse.

Nice Harbour Lighthouse
Nice Harbour Lighthouse

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What do we have here? There are gaps in between those blocks where people climb through and have a swim. Someone's pants obviously has gotten wet.

Drying Trousers
Drying Trousers

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And now here comes the sun fellow travellers. On the next two photos you should take a closer look to notice that it's not a bird coming from the sun. It is a plane that just took off from the airport on the other side of the bay.

Côte d'Azur Sunset
Côte d'Azur Sunset

Côte d'Azur Sunset Take Off
Côte d'Azur Sunset Take Off

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While i am photowalking and enjoying the sunset mood and light others have a sunset gathering over there it seem. Did you notice there are more clothes lying on the blocks?! I guess some folks are even having a sunset bath.

Côte d'Azur Sunset Gathering
Côte d'Azur Sunset Gathering

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It seems to be more than just a sunset view gathering, they're jumping and dancing and now that the wind calms down a bit i can even hear their music.


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While i was looking for a spot to climb down the rocks to get to the water the light has changed a lot already. Enjoy a completely different view on the sunset from down here.

Côte d'Azur Sunset
Côte d'Azur Sunset

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Bonus Round: Another Day, Another Vantage Point

For all of you who are still with me enjoying the evenings at the Côte d'Azur and didn't click away already here's a little extra sunset eye candy from another day where i went up on the hills for an overview across beautiful Nice.

Nice at Sunset
Nice at Sunset

Nice at Sunset
Nice at Sunset

Nice after Sunset
Nice after Sunset

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That's it for Today

Now i'm hungry, i gotta find a nice restaurant and have some tasty food and a nice cold beer. I hope you enjoyed the evenings in Nice at sunset with me a little and look forward to see you on the next photowalk, wherever that may be.

Nice Alley by Night
Nice Alley by Night

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• Thank you for checking in •
• Stay Healthy • Stay Open Minded and Curious •
• Wherever you are • Wherever life takes you •


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