Before diving into using this widget, ensure that:
- You're familiar with the TravelFeed site builder and its basic functionalities.
- You have a basic understanding of how widgets work within the site builder.
- Your blog is set up and you can access the site builder feature.
Widget Options Explained
Link Type
Choose where your link should take your readers. It can point them to another one of your blog pages (internal) or to an external website.
For external links, add the full URL here (for example
Select page type
For internal links, select whether you want to a link a post, destination, tag, page or the home page.
Select permalink
Select the exact post/destination/tag/page you want to link.
Link Title
Name your link! This is what your visitors see and click on.
Keeping navigation simple and direct helps your readers explore your content and find what interests them, enhancing their experience on your site.