Hyde Park, Chicago

Hello, Hivers and Wednesday's walkers!

This was another walk on our visit to Chicago last April. Today we are going to walk through a less touristy area. It's one of Chicago's south-side neighborhoods, Hyde Park. During our stay in the city, we spent a couple of nights in an Airbnb in the area to be near the University and our son. So I invite you to join me on this short walk we took one sunny afternoon, after moving into the Airbnb, on 53rd Street in Hyde Park and one of its parks.

We took a bus that dropped us off at the corner of 53rd St. and Kenwood Ave. where we noticed the Chaka Khan sign I mentioned in Chaka, Chaka, Chaka, Chaka Khan for TTT. Do you see it in the corner?


We walked along 53rd Street. On this street, there are many shops and places to eat.



And also some street vendors. This area is very different from the Loop (downtown Chicago).


We hadn't had lunch and were walking around to see what would tempt us, when suddenly we saw it, a Five Guys. We couldn't resist the temptation.


I've stopped eating burgers outside home but I remembered Five Guys as the best of its kind and it had been so long since we'd had one and it didn't disappoint. Just as good as I remembered.

Nearby we stumbled upon Barack and Michelle Obama's kissing rock. A commemorative place on the street where they had their first date and kissed for the first time.


The rock with the plaque is in a corner of a parking lot of various locals, among them the Baskin-Robbins. My son was craving a milkshake so we went in.


We continued our walk and passed by this church.


At the side of the church, this flowery tree deserved a picture. Don't you think?


We kept walking until we reached Nichols Park.


A small urban park, very nice to walk around.



The arrival of spring was noticeable in the park with beautiful flowers.


My big boy and I chilling in the park and taking some photos for Wednesday's Walk.



We continued through the park heading south.



And we made it through the park to 55th Street.


After leaving Nichols Park, we walked toward the University of Chicago campus, but I'll tell you about that walk another time.

This is my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

All the pictures I share here were taken on April 21, 2024. Some with my cellphone, an iPhone 8, and others with my hubby's phone an iPhone 12.

© CoquiCoin

June 12, 2024

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