As the holiday season approaches, we decided to take a breather and escape to the serene settings of South Padre Island. Our destination? The Inverness at South Padre, a sanctuary of tranquility perched on the beautiful coastal expanse of Texas.

Our journey began with a one-hour drive to the island. Despite the proximity, we do not often visit the beach. We arrived with enough time to catch the sun setting over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, a breathtaking welcome. The anticipation of a peaceful overnight retreat before the holiday frenzy.

Bayside view from Inverness
Bayside view from Inverness

Checking In

Upon arrival at the Inverness, we were greeted with warm hospitality. The staff was friendly, ensuring a smooth check-in process. Our condominium was a comforting sight, a comfortable space with a charming, clean decor that immediately made us feel at ease. The view of the ocean from our balcony was a serene sight, the sound of the waves providing a soothing soundtrack to our stay. It was surprising that on one side of our condo we could see the bay side of South Padre Island, and from the other side we could see the Gulf of Mexico. Not many properties offer both views.

Mrs. TWM wading into the gulf
Mrs. TWM wading into the gulf

Enjoying the Quiet

After settling in, we decided to walk along the beach. The cool evening air was refreshing, the rhythmic lullaby of the waves crashing against the shore provided a sense of calm, a stark contrast to the expected upcoming holiday hustle and bustle. The Gulf water is relatively warm the entire year, making it bearable to wade or swim, even in the dead of winter, which has little meaning in South Texas. The wind decided to not be obnoxious on this visit.

Mrs. and Miss TWM test the water
Mrs. and Miss TWM test the water

Unfortunately, our youngest was not feeling well when we departed from home. Even as we wandered about the beach, she was not herself. Later that evening she developed a fever that prompted us to walk to Island Market to pick up some groceries and something for her fever. We spent a quiet evening watching Adam Sandler movies together over a double pepperoni pizza. The fever broke and we called it a night. 

Morning coffee overseeing the beach
Morning coffee overseeing the beach

The following day

The following morning, we woke up to a beautiful sunrise emptying light into the living area. The golden rays of the sun shimmering on the ocean surface was a sight to behold. We spent the morning enjoying the ocean view over coffee and breakfast as a few people loitered about the beach in the morning sun.

Before leaving the City of South Padre Island, we stopped at Cafe Karma for some coffee and chai. We had meant to stop there the night prior, but we were too late. The coffee shop had already closed. Fortunately, they open on Sundays, giving us an opportunity to adequately caffeinate for the trip home.

Picking up drinks for the drive home
Picking up drinks for the drive home

Our overnight stay at South Padre Island and the Inverness was a refreshing pause before the holiday season. The tranquil surroundings, the warm hospitality at the Inverness, and the natural beauty of the island provided a much-needed respite. It was a reminder to take a step back and enjoy the simple pleasures amidst the hustle and bustle of life, a memory we will cherish as we welcome the festive season.