I believe that this park should be called that way. Why? Just pay attention to the park itself. Now let's talk directly about each object.

Cannon monument

Yes, thanks to weapons, fortitude, self-sacrifice, our ancestors were able to save the Motherland from the fascist invaders. Germans and Romanians came to our land with weapons in their hands. They wanted not only to conquer our land, but also to destroy everyone who lives here. Do not forget that the Nazis took millions of people to concentration camps. Tens of millions of our compatriots gave their lives on the battlefields. Even peaceful people, women, children and the elderly did not want to be left out. They fought the invaders with all available forces.

Monument to the perished prisoners of the balt ghetto

The city was occupied on 5 August. The executions of Jews began almost immediately. The executions began on August 8. On the first day, 200 people were killed.

In total, 5 thousand representatives of the Jewish people were killed. They were shot, burned alive, taken to concentration camps. The invaders were trying to destroy not only the Jews. For them, Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians were enemies. It was necessary to destroy everyone.

This monument personifies the grief, the horror that reigned not only in Balta, but also in every settlement of the Soviet Union.

This memorial to the memory of the ghetto prisoners and all the righteous was opened in 2015. The sculptor Kopyev became the architect of this monument. Unfortunately, he did not live to see the day when, nevertheless, this memorial was opened.

It should be noted that the memorial is dedicated not only to the perished Jews. But also to those people who sheltered their views of the fascists. In total, 40 death camps, filtration centers and ghettos operated in the Balta region. More than 5 thousand Jews were killed. Moreover, not only the inhabitants of Bessarabia.

We see how people pray to God for salvation. A grief-stricken mother, overcoming fear, hides her child. She is ready to give her life for the child to live!

A small monument to the victims of the Baltic ghetto

There is another small monument to the perished Jews. It is not big, not grandiose, but shrouded in grief and pain.

I believe that we must remember the feat of our ancestors. We must honor the memory of the victims. We must not allow what happened during the Great Patriotic War. Fascism has no place on earth!