You know it's gonna be a good day when you rock up at a wine producing estate at 10:00am with a promise of free tasting of the local fizzy plonk. Even suffering a lengthy guided tour and complete history of the industry first.


And so it was arriving at Llopart, near to a little town of Subirats, Catalonia, a family run business that has been around for over 130 years.


I in my foolish wisdom thought that there were only white grapes and red grapes


Shock horror, there are apparently over 10k varieties, but thankfully only 10 varieties are hugely popular, which made me feel a little better in my ignorance.



The vineyards stretch far on the slopes of the Penedès hills, giving an ideal aspect for their growth to maturity


The serrated mountains of Monserrat in the far distance.





Being told that the cava was still made in the traditional manner we moved indoors, where I expected and hoped to see a multitude of local peasants stomping around bare foot there trousers and skirts hitched up squishing the juice from the grape


Nope, all we were taken to was the 'storage area" wher the filled bottles stand to mature....






Then conveniently back into the showroom for the tasting and product hard sell


The tasting was try three types of Cava, can't remember what they were called.


But FFS! I have taken bigger measures of medicine than what was poured into the glasses.


I mean seriously? No I am not going all wine snobbish I am just wanting you to see the massive amount in the glass


Booze is booze, and to listen to mine host going on and on and on like a tramps overcoat about colour viscosity, bubbles, ( apparently they vary in size dependant upon a number of factors), tastes of dried fruits, toast, balsamic and subtle smoked notes.


I am afraid to say the atmosphere was a cut with a knife when after waggling my empty glass for awhile expecting a top up I said in my best wine snob voice.

"Tastes like Prosecco to me."

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also, please feel free to drop a comment.
