Hello fellow travelers, I'm stopping by this beautiful community again to bring you new content! Today I traveled with my wife 80km from the center of Lisbon to visit the municipality "Salvaterra dos Magos", a very small and colorful village with hundreds of years of history. We will be able to try its local cuisine and even photograph the typical houses of the fishermen on the banks of the beautiful and biodiverse "Tejo" river besides enter the Escaroupim museum to see relics of the Romanesque occupation in Portugal. What are you waiting for? Join me on my adventure!!🧭🌲🌼


Visit to the historic center🌍🚩

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The local architecture of "Salvaterra dos Magos" has a mixture of Gothic and other predominant styles from different eras. The village itself is believed to have been founded in the 12th century on the famous Portuguese conquests of the Moors. It is quite small and does not reaches one hundred thousand inhabitants. To learn more about the history of this place, I am going to visit a museum where I read that there are different artifacts from the Bronze and Roman era and there we will have a better idea of when it was occupied by man. Getting here is easy, I leave you the coordinates: (39°01′00″N 8°47′00″W)🧭🤴🏻🚩

Salvaterra dos Magos Church🌍🏰🚩

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My first stop is at the: "Igreja de Salvaterra dos Magos" which is the second most important one in the area, it is one of the oldest tourist spots in the town. It was built in 1296 and its purpose was to serve as a tribute to "San Paulo" in the 16th century. Since then some renovations were made and it was decorated with fabrics. The striking thing about the history of this church is that it survived two earthquakes and was almost completely destroyed. Currently, entry is free. I did it at lunchtime hour and inside it was clean and well preserved.🌍🚩🤴🏻

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works of the 17th-18th century🤴🏻🫅🏻

The church underwent some works and remodeling according to different eras. For example in the 18th century some tiles were added and the ceiling was painted with the image of San Joao which for me is the most beautiful thing in the church. Then the central area where the image of Jesus Christ is placed is very beautiful because it looks like a quite luxurious gold structure, I love visiting churches on my visits!🧭🌏👩‍🏫


Local gastronomy🌍🍱🍣

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There is no better tour in a village than trying its local dishes, before continuing with our walk we decided to go to a restaurant called "Winenot" that I recommend because it is cheap and central. Its located next to the aforementioned church, a dish main plus drink plus dessert for two people was 26 euros, wonderful right? And the dish was delicious, the village is known for its dishes of sea delicacies. Among the dishes that I recommend are: fish, squid, octopus, they are fried with sauce and dipped in beer.🍱🍣

Tribute square to King "Dinis"🌍🤴🏻

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We arrive at the center of the city and we come across to this beautiful square, quite small but in a matter of minutes we can learn about the history that surrounds the village. Here we see the main Kings of Portugal who gave importance to this village, one is King Dinis and the other Manuel I. We also have on display in the marble obelisk a replica of the original map of the city.🌲🤴🏻🧑🏻‍🏫

"Fonte dos Amores, igreja da misericordia"🌍🚩🏰

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These are two points of interest to visit, the first is the Fountain of Love and the second is the Church of Mercy, both names translated into English, but you can locate them on Googlemaps with the names that I put in the title. The source and the church dates from between the 16th and 17th centuries, they are not as old as other monuments, but visiting them is interesting for their design and architecture.🤴🏻🏰🚩

Beautiful city🌍🚩🏰

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Escaroupim Museum🌍🚩🏰

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My adventure continues in the magical land Salvaterra dos Magos and my next stop is the Escaroupim Museum. This museum tries to show us with a journey through time the importance that the tributary ("tejo river") had in all the civilizations that inhabited the area for centuries, in the museum we can see artifacts dating back to prehistory and also some jars used by the Romans to store everything from water to wine. After seeing the local biodiversity and learning about the village, my next stop will be the traditional fishermen's houses !🧭🌍👨🏻‍🎓

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I recommend my previous post where I talk about falconry, it was here in a museum in this village🤴🏻🦅

Traditional fishermen's house🌍🚩🏰

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After the museum I decided to visit the vicinity of the "Tejo" river in order to learn and photograph the original houses where the people who started local fishing in Salvaterra dos Magos lived. Here we can take walks on the river for 15 euros per person. We will go on a traditional boat on an hour-long exploration. I don't have time to go on the boat but I recommend the experience because it has a good rating on internet sites! The houses were basic, built with wood and tile, they had only 2 rooms.🧑🏻‍🏫🏰🤴🏻

You may have notice that all the houses are not directly fixed on the ground. Instead there is some height from it. They built it that way so that when the river would rise up and flooded the areas, the houses would not suffer any damage.

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Main dock🌍🚩🏰

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This is our last stop on this fun trip, we can reach the Salvaterra dock, it is quite small and works with a dam that is responsible for controlling the water levels that enter the channel. So when you want to move a boat, the channel opens and the river rises so there would be an adequate level of water to circulate with a motor. In my next post we will visit the neighboring village of "Malhada", here I will use my drone and next to a swing we will live another adventure!🚩🧭



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