Quest Southbank: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Quest Southbank is a nice little tower of serviced apartments that I have the pleasure of staying at relatively often when I'm down in Melbourne. One of the groups that I play with puts us up at this place... and it is crazily handy, situated in the Southbank arts district... just behind the Melbourne Concert Hall, across the road from the ABC, and just a short walk around the corner to the Melbourne Recital Centre.

Quest Southbank: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Serviced apartments are my favourite places to stay at. Often, I don't really make much use of the breakfast facilities of a hotel... other than the coffee. And AirBNBs can be a bit painful with locations and check-ins... so, when an orchestra is paying for everything, I will sometimes just take the serviced apartment option. Other times, I will book something cheaper and pocket the difference in the allowance.

Quest Southbank: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.jpg

The best part of serviced apartments is the ability to cook for yourself. I do like eating out, but it does eat (haha...) into your food allowance, which you can always just save for other things... like a new computer game or other electronic toy! It is generally better when you are staying more than a few days... as it makes more sense then to stock up a few things (even if you do end up eating variations on the same thing over and over again!).

Quest Southbank: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Quest Southbank has a nice amount of space... and often, I have the larger rooms. A bit of overkill for a single person travelling for work... but handy when I want to have the family (or just wife...) join for a weekend away!

Quest Southbank: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.jpg

A nice roomy double room with an en-suite and living room/kitchen is the standard for the Quest Southbank... and if you are in the larger room, you will have a second double room with another bathroom nearby. So, more than ample space for a small family! And a touch TOO much room for a single traveller...

Quest Southbank: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Unfortunately, the only down side the view from the balcony. It is to be expected... you are in the middle of the city after all!

Other than the view... Quest Southbank is a perfect place in a perfect location for my work... and I think it would be the perfect place for other working travellers due to the central location near the CBD. Also perfect for a small family... but perhaps in that case, you might prefer somewhere a bit more picturesque?