Camping alone in the wilderness requires courage and resilience. Yet, the decision to explore Mt. Lorokan solo was a choice I made with determination and a spirit of adventure. With my camping gear ready, I set off towards Mt. Lorokan, a place where the wild beauty awaits.

Upon arriving at the entrance gate of Mt. Lorokan, I paid the entrance fee of Rp 25,000, which also included parking fees. Then, the journey began. Step by step, I climbed the first trail that passed a small waterfall. The sound of flowing water provided a refreshing scent in the cool morning air. The winding and steep path bore witness to my journey towards the peak.

Arriving at the first checkpoint, the aroma of delicious food tempted my hungry stomach. I didn't miss the chance to enjoy the snacks offered by the vendor there. After filling my stomach, the journey continued towards the next checkpoints. Despite feeling alone, the spirit of adventure continued to burn within me.

Upon reaching the last checkpoint before the summit, I felt physical fatigue but also an indescribable inner satisfaction. I quickly found a safe spot to set up my tent. Carefully, I pitched the tent and arranged my sleeping gear. As the night deepened, the sky began to reveal the beauty of the twinkling stars. I took some beautiful photos of the night sky, letting its beauty be captured in both my camera and my memory.

That night, I felt a peace that was difficult to express in words. Suspended between sky and earth, I contemplated the adventure of life, about the courage and resilience I displayed. And as the sun began to rise in the east, I witnessed an unforgettable natural wonder. The stunning sunrise became the most beautiful gift from this adventure.

Camping alone at Mt. Lorokan was not just an adventure but also a deep spiritual journey. In solitude, I found true peace. And from the peak of Mt. Lorokan, I descended with a heart full of gratitude and hope for the adventures yet to come in the future.