Recently I went to a beach in the north-east of the island of Koh Phangan. A place that is less visited and further away from the population centers. When I arrived at 5:45 in the morning there was nobody there, and maybe there would be nobody there all day.

Since March of 2020 and the country closing it's borders due to the global Corona Virus pandemic, Thailand has seen it's international visitors go from forty million a year to virtually zero! The large swaths of resorts, bungalows, and all sorts of businesses not only have been left empty but many have been out right abandoned; basically given back to the earth.

Without basic upkeep things have literally been falling apart here. Covid may be a disease, but here in Touristed areas of Thailand it looks more like a bomb that went off, blowing away the tourists, leaving buildings to fall down under their own weight, and destroying the local economy. But it made great space for some local hippy artists from Russia to come in and decorate the place! Wooot woot! I guess, but not really. If you want to see a more in depth look at the effects of covid on this island keep an eye out for my photo series "Covid Catastrophe Koh Phangan"

Now this is truly a bizarre and abandoned place. Frankly I love places like this. It's simply unique, I've only found myself in places like this a handful of times throughout my travels. It's an art gallery, it's a dilapidation, it's happy, it's sad, it's creepy, it's beautiful, it's falling apart, yet still alive. It used to one thing, now it's another, and with out a doubt it's some Travel Pro Art! Now come along and lets have a closer look at the Bungalow Grave Yard on the Island of Koh Phangan Thailand!



Photo Credit: World Travel Pro Pro!

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