Discovering Balmaseda

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Hello friends today I bring you this beautiful Villa.
(in Basque and officially Balmaseda) is a Spanish municipality in the Las Encartaciones region and the first Villa by foundation (in 1199) of the historical territory and province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country.
But you know that I like to be a walker more and tell what I feel and see, Wikipedia is for history and so on.
So I tell you Sunday in Balmaseda.
We left Bilbao
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We travel by train in half an hour these, you can also go by car fare from Bilbao 30 kilometers, but it is worth going by train you see the landscape.
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The greenest areas, the hamlets some far from others.
A pleasure to behold and understand our way of being.
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We are already in town and just past the bridge can we see its beauty.
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The river runs cheerful and singing, with its transparent waters full of life.
The ducks bathing and getting handsome to face the day.
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Frogs sunbathe on the stone.
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The trout stroll wiggling their fins and cheering the river.
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Upon entering we find the church of San Severino.
In honor of the patron of the oldest Villa in Bizkaia, it dates from the 15th century and is Gothic.
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Inside, it has multi-colored stained glass windows that make your room shine.
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The town hall in the middle of the heart of the city in its old town.
Baroque style, built in 1743.
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Its entrance arches are impressive, the columns and beams of dark wood, reminiscent of the old manor times.

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Any corner of the villa is cozy and peaceful, we can sit and rest.
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Old houses of much tradition are scattered throughout the old town.
Houses that saw better times, but still have their charm.
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Face the sundial.
Made in stone, in 2007, he measures the hour and the month.
It is very interesting for our technological generation, it reminds us that time marks our lives.
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tic tac tic tac....

Here we have another sundial, also made of stone.
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With some statues of rosemary at its entrance, honoring those people who make the way to Santiago.

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Step by step we reach the old bridge.
With three semicircular arches rising in the middle and helping to pass the Cadagua river.
It will be the most photographed bridge in the area, since it takes us to the Middle Ages.
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We have already toured the village but I will tell you why Balmaseda is also famous
The putxeras
They are these pots where people who worked on the railroad made their beans.

Now highly valued and much more decorated, longing for the old traditions.
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But as we have been around for a while, it is time to drink something and nothing better than some pintxos in good company.


Image © txatxy. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by Original content by @txatxy



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