Read "Enchantment of Iboih Beach and the Beauty of the Rubiah Marine Park, Sabang
Aceh, Indonesia." on for the best experience

Enchantment of Iboih Beach and the Beauty of the Rubiah Marine Park, Sabang
Aceh, Indonesia.
Enchantment of Iboih Beach and the Beauty of the Rubiah Marine Park, Sabang Aceh, Indonesia.

Read "Enchantment of Iboih Beach and the Beauty of the Rubiah Marine Park, Sabang
Aceh, Indonesia." on for the best experience

Hello Travel,..
Beginning in January 2020, I visited Iboih Beach,. First of all in the history of my life I visited this place, so fantastic, beautiful and incredible natural scenery of the sea and its surroundings, as seen in some of the pictures I posted below!

Pictures of my photos when I was on the coast and seeing the beautiful scenery of Iboih beach.
Pictures of my photos when I was on the coast and seeing the beautiful scenery of Iboih beach.

Traveling Companions, ..

A little retreat. Before I arrived, my family and I were in transit. I was at an inn. Incidentally, in Sabang, we have good friends, and we have considered our own family, even though we don't have family blood relations, but basically we have a strong friendly relationship. So that we are given lodging or lodging free of charge! Why is that ? That's a true friend, because in the eyes of a true friend, money is not everything, even though everything needs money, but a friend is closer and thicker than the relationship itself, but here a true lover I'm not talking about money, but I'm talking and telling a little about the story of my visit and experience when I first visited Iboih beach and this rubiah island ..! So when I and other family members arrived at this place, Yatu Kota Sabang, we also took a break at our friend's inn, ..! then the next day my family and I traveled to Iboih Beach and Rubiah Island which took about 1 hour 30 minutes and when we arrived at this place we would see the atmosphere of the beautiful and fantastic Iboih beach, while enjoying and seeing the sea view on the Iboih beach to a natural view of the sea which if seen further as far as the eye can see will be seen before the eyes of a unique and beautiful small island that is rubiah island as seen in the picture of followers,

The picture of my photo, Seen across the beach is the island of Rubiah.
The picture of my photo, Seen across the beach is the island of Rubiah.

Get ready for a diving / snorkeling trip to Rubiah Island
Get ready for a diving / snorkeling trip to Rubiah Island

The tomb of Siti Rubiah
The tomb of Siti Rubiah

When I was getting ready to head to Rubiah Island, we along with other families tried to rent Snorkeling, Boats and others. own bathing suit, because here is not provided free clothes, But all of them require money as a legitimate payment tool when they want to rent some diving clothes, Below is one of my photos when I was in Sea beach and I'm not wearing diving clothes and others like most people. Because I can swim, of course, HE HE HE, ..! So that I don't need Diving Estem anymore, ..

Photograph this picture when I, a rock and a sea fish have fun, .. HE HE HE
Photograph this picture when I, a rock and a sea fish have fun, .. HE HE HE

a photo of my best friend in style on a bicycle
a photo of my best friend in style on a bicycle

a picture of me and my best friend fighting over a bicycle
a picture of me and my best friend fighting over a bicycle

Hello Traveling,..

Iboih Beach and Rubiah Island Has a very interesting story line. When I arrived at this place, which is when I was right on the beach, I had the opportunity to talk with one of the locals. He said that Iboih Beach and Rubiah Island had a smelly story line. philosophy, religious and full of mystery, But here I just want to share the story of my trip when visiting this place, for stories and stories about why it is called Iboih beach and why it is also called rubiah island, then I suggest to me a travel companion, please open Google's search engine is only for a more accurate and more targeted storyline because here I just want to share photos, stories and experiences when I first visited this place, Fantastic, Beautiful and Extraordinary Beautiful natural scenery from the sea, beaches, etc., as in some of the photos that I have posted above, and also some photos below and let a few pictures tell the story of eternity from my experience when I first visited the island of This Beautiful Beautiful.

Pictures of me and my beloved family when I want to go home from Rubiah Island to Iboih Beach.
Pictures of me and my beloved family when I want to go home from Rubiah Island to Iboih Beach.

Thus Esteem Lovers, .. A Story of My Travel Story and My Beloved Family When Visiting This Tourist Destination, For all the friends who may want to visit this place, young people are facilitated with sustenance and of course you may all be blessed by the Almighty.