Hello Hello Hivians

it seems nature is toying with us, after a gorgeous glorious weekend it has turned chilly and foggy!

June hah it has been a rollercoaster of a weather month.

So let's go back a couple of weeks and take a gander around Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England.

Let's go and explore some sights in Newcastle upon Tyne.


The weather as you will see is in keeping with the June weather, it had a bit of everything in this half hour stroll from Newcastle train station where we start.

Don't you love old train stations, I love the high ceilings. Thankfully they have not messed around with this one too much.

It is spacious and so clean looking.

Talking about clean looking, one of the first impressions of Newcastle that we got when we did this walk from the train station to our hotel by the river was just how clean the city is.

Before we go on, I will say that these are photos from Mrs T and her smartphone camera. I never got a replacement phone in time before we left. So I took my camera and have other pictures, but for this walk it is Mrs T and her phone.

This was the entrance to the grand Newcastle station.


To the left of the Station is this gorgeous building.

It is St. Mary's Cathedral

We however needed to go in the other direction, so it was a right turn and yes you guessed it the rain appeared!

Fluff it, turn right again...

And in the blink of an eye the rain had stopped!

Do you know the name of the city that we are in?

Newcastle Upon Tyne

So whadda you know, we found the castle in Newcastle, mind you it does not look very new!

Yeah that is not new.

I tell you what, it must have been some size back in the day.

So there we have Newcastle Castle.

This was on a Sunday afternoon and I believe they close at 5pm, we did not have time or else we would have gone round it properly. You get some cracking vies of the city centre I believe.


Time was a marching and we needed to get to our hotel. So we marched on.

This reminded of parts of Glasgowm the wide road, flyover and concrete and glass buildings.

Mrs T then laughed at this ....

Courgettes and mushrooms are my two favourite vegetables...

We call them courgettes, but Americans call them Zucchini ....

So do you say ....

Courgette or Zucchini?

Do let me know in the comments!

And there it is ....


Well two things actually ....

The first was the first sign of shitty ass graffiti in Newcastle on the flyover ...

And the second was my first glimpse ... of ... ? Can you guess ?

Here let me give you a better view!

The Tyne bridge

We checked into the hotel and then with a hop skip and a jump we were here...

Standing on the shores of the River Tyne, well the city is called Newcastle upon Tyne, I mean what other city did you expect ... the fluffing Nile?

The bridge in the foreground is the iconic Tyne bridge.

I put this slightly wider angledshot of the bridges and foreshore because when we checked into the hotel we noticed that there was a Sunday market going on.

You can notice on the right there are gazebo type tents of merchants selling their wares.

The end of the day so food vendors were hoiking bread to the birds....

However if the pigeons could be any further away they would be in the river! Unlike them, they are normally so nosey and up in your face!

Across on the other side of the river bank was this .....

I called it the Peanut building as it reminded me of a peanut shell!

I think it was some Arts venue if I remember correctly.

It made me fluffing hungry though.

So turn around and time to go home ....

The Millennium Bridge

One good thing about the UK is they created many landmarks to celebrate the new Millennium, this foot bridge was one of them ....

I seriously like that arc across the river to hold the bridge up.

Sometimes modern architecture actually works, this was an example.

Speaking of modern architecture I told Mrs T to snap this on the way back to the hotel....

That she says ....

No said I ....

The Half Building ....

Do you see it?

It is like they chopped the building in half!

Those Geordies ... I don't ..

And by that we were home back at the hotel and when in Rome do as the Romans do....

In this ....

A bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale...

Did you see what was inside the five pointed star?

Yes it was a picture of the Tyne bridge, so there we have it, enjoyed a pint a couple hundred yards from the bridge on the label!


This post is also my last June 2024 walk for #wednesdaywalk which was started by the wonderful @tattoodjay.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and from my 9th June walk in Newcastle upon Tyne in England. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo June 26th 2024 (June 7 Premium 3 VR)


Haste Ye Back!

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