A walk by the beach
The Promenade
If you are in Folkestone this is the place to go for a walk, you can't miss the Promenade.
This walk by the beach is not only beautiful but very pleasant.
Either you just want to go for a calm chilled walk or maybe even a nice run by the ocean.
While on your walk on the Promenade make sure you take your time to appreciate all the little cabins.
There belong to people, some of them probably are to be rented and during the spring and summer seasons you will see them open with people enjoying their day at the beach.
One of the fun part about this small cabins is to see the diversity and it is lovely to see how colourful and well kept they are.
They make for a fun view in your walk.
This is a walk you need to have while you are down in Folkestone. This was not my first one but it was the first time I have decided to share it with you.
Mermaid Beach
Obviously, while on your Promenade walk, you will be walking by beaches like the Mermaid beach.
This is the one that I always visit and even in a cold day like the one I took this photos. It looks beautiful.
There is something about an empty beach that I really love.
Look at this beautiful view with no people in the way.
Don't get me wrong. These beaches also look beautiful.
But for me as a Portuguese raised with beaches of thin and soft sand, these always are not comparable. I like them, but I will never love them as much as the sandy beaches.
You get to see some images of the Promenade in here as well but I have decided to focus on the ocean.
I hope you enjoy this view.
Obviously, you know that I had to try and get some details and some more fun images while I was there.
There are a couple here but I have another post where I will be sharing all those photos that are more artsy.
So keep your eyes open for those photos as well.
Here's a couple of photos from the view when you are arriving to the beach.
It is breathtaking.
This place has so much more to see than just the beach. It is so much worth it and I would totally recommend you to visit.
A strange discovery
I have decided to go and walk on the pebbles beach, on my way to the ocean, looking down so I would not fall.
And as I start getting closer to the ocean, I have noticed something strange.
A LOT of dead fish.
And you know I had to take some photos, there were a lot as I said. And I guess it was low tide because they were actually far from the ocean.
But I guess this happens due to the sea get very out of control in the cold seasons.
It was kind of sad to see so many like that.
But it is nature. And I understand that.
After a quick research online I have discovered that these are small-spotted catshark. I had to come home and do a little research but I was able to find it.
Although there were a lot of weird news about death fish in Kent, that was strange.
But don't worry, summer time I have never seen this happening.