One of the most important places of historical travel destinations of Bangladesh (formerly: Vaidyanathala) is a historical site located in Meherpur district.


The capital of the first provisional government of Bangladesh was here. Mujibnagar was the first temporary capital of independent Bangladesh. It was here that the then Vidyanathtala was sworn in at Amrakanan in present-day Mujibnagar. The president of this government was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the temporary president was Syed Nazrul Islam. The Liberation War Memorial Complex has been established here to preserve the tradition of Bangladesh's first capital.

Bangladesh_map: Map of Bangladesh can be seen from Watch Tower. Small depictions of the War of Liberation are shown in different districts.
Mujibnagar_ SmritiSudh: The memorial is situated on 26.5 acres of land. The monument is built with a triangular pillar of 20 concrete. The 20 pillars symbolize the rule of Pakistan for 20 years. The altar is built at a height of 5 feet 5 inches by 5 feet. The pillars are arranged vertically in the lower half of the altar.

The circular altar is divided into three parts at different heights from the ground. The height of the first is 2 feet 3 inches from the ground, the second is 3 feet and the third is 3 feet 5 inches. The altar of the altar, 2 feet 5 inches high, has been interpreted by countless circular circles in the war of independence. The upper part of the altar of three feet is covered with numerous gravel stones.

It is a symbol of the united struggle of the seven million Bengalis of freedom fighters. The oath-taking place of the Mujibnagar government is marked by a red ceramic brick rectangle. The climb to the altar is divided into nine steps. The nine steps of the terrace symbolize the progress of the nine-month war.

Temporary_Government_Organization_cha: Some fragment image statues, image statues of the War of Liberation. Amrokannon: There is a huge mango garden, known as Amrokonnan. Besides, there are helipads, border areas etc.
From any place of the country by bus to Meherpur, then from Meherpur by bus to Mujibnagar (5 km).