# Some birds are not meant to be Caged

Yes not just some, every bird caged is a reflection of humans attempt to show their existence.

When India was under british rule, there were multiple battles of words strikes and non violence took place to resist and be free from British brutal rule.
Remembered this so randomly ๐Ÿ˜•

We humans can Express and respond for our needs. Rest of them do not have the option. What we mind is just to control the other.

Ok let me get back to where I started. It was a boring day in my native Harihar. All my days schedule was eat sleep and work from home. The routine dint have any changes for few weeks. I did not like to go and visit our relatives. And all my friends have flood to Bengaluru.
I Miss Bengaluru so much.

Took my bike and backpacked camera with a zoom lens and started. Towards a know route to my village.
My village is 20kms from the town I live.
After 10th km I took a right towards a village which I have never been before ๐Ÿ˜
Like an adventure but very short indeed.

The right was a muddy road and my bike had very hard time and it was crawling through those muddy roads.
Slowly running through the ditches and covering a distance of 6kms, the road started to be even and better with out too many pot holes.

That is where I relaxed and stopped my bike besides the road.
When you start observing you will find a lot of beautiful stuffs nature is offering you. For me it was birds.
Ha ha ha I thought it was so easy to convince a bird to pose for your camera and capture all those beautiful shots lol..
They will give you a very hard time. No zoom lens its tougher.
No tripod, need a higher stability at hands holding them and stop them from vibrating.

I didnt have a tripod with me ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•
Hard time. But it was fun failing and trying again.

From that point to 6 kms, I did stop multiple times wherever birds found me ๐Ÿ˜‰

The one side map I travelled. The map shows 51 min, I spent entire 3 hrs on roads before I reach the end.


Here are some cool(I think so) photographys I could capture

Mynah Bird


Yellow beak, brownish feather and black and white tail endings.

These are different variants and colors of Mynah birds and are native to southern Asia.

You should see them when they fly.


Yes I did not get the right photography I was talking about their flight. The black and white tail looks so vibrant when they fly.


Ahh it is posing. But not too long.


Some more
At same point.


Literally sat on the ground and waited for long for it to turn to me and then fly.

No luck.
Then I clicked some when she was moving her head and decided to distract so that she will fly and I capture her flight.


That's when I picked a pebble and threw slowly at her. She moved few inches and spread her wings.

Before I could click she was away ๐Ÿ˜•
Experience counts a lot and the lame timing will fetch you very few shots that can be used.


Little blurred out and so it's in Black and white ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Mmm among the mynah gallery, there were some good choices I made.

Similarly I encountered so many birds and few of them are below

Red Vented Bulbul


Photograph 2


Third picture managed to capture from ground to the coconut tree


The last on Electric live wire


Green bee eater


Under the blue sky, the green looks evident


These look like indian roller birds. Love the green they exhibit on ther feathers.

Black Drongo


Dont you think she should be on the cover of the post.

Yes now she will be ๐Ÿ˜‰

She was shining bright black in evening sunlight.


I had rarely see these black beauties on road before. And when with camera they were everywhere. Just step out the city environment and walk near lakes.


King Fisher - the king of Good times ๐Ÿ˜‰

The tag line is the tag of UB breweries that serve kingfisher beer in India and all over the world.
And the owner is the liquor barron Dr.Vijaya Malya
He has left the country.
But ther are lot of kingfishers on road.


Second one far away from me.
These does not seem to be human friendly. Because these never stop more than few seconds ds after they know a human is watching them ๐Ÿ˜Š


Indian Parrot

Often known as Black ring parrot.
These normally stay more on trees with fruits like mangos.
An exception and only one is here


Some crane and some sparrow


Ripping off the farmers efforts ๐Ÿ˜
Yeah some 20 of them for 20 min, would eat 200 rupees paddy


So here were the highlights of my one side travel. I will share the rest of my return travel and a different experience with more photographs.

Camera Used
Nikon D5300

Location:Harihar to drop point of tungabhadra river near Tumminakatte village.

Hope you love the photographs and share the love.

Have a great day ๐Ÿ˜Š