Parade for the Day of the Dead in Campeche
One of the traditional Mexican celebrations is the "The Day of the Dead" I had seen the Disney movie "Coco" and knew about the Day of the Dead, but I did not know that it is a long celebration that takes place from the end of October to the end of November for almost whole month. When I bought a ticket to Mexico, I wondered why the airfare was more expensive than I expected. I now realize that it is the same as the price of airline tickets for sightseeing in Japan during the "cherry blossom season" when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
If you're not familiar with Day of the Dead, I recommend the Disney movie Coco.
Coco - Pixer Disney film
By coincidence, my stay in Mexico coincided with "the Day of the Dead" celebrations, and the whole town was in a festive mood. I went to Mexico just as the whole town was getting ready for the various decorations, and the whole town was decorated in the color orange in November. Orange is the color of Mariah Gold, which blooms at this time of year. The Day of the Dead is the day when the spirits of deceased ancestors come to this world from the other world, and it is said that they come to this world to see the orange color of Mariah Gold.
The entire town of Campeche is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The city's walls, built during the Spanish colonial period to protect the town from pirates, are registered as a World Heritage Site. The town of Campeche was full of tourists watching the "Day of the Dead" celebrations and visitors touring its World Heritage sites.
わたしがメキシコに滞在した偶然ではあるのですが、ちょうどその「死者の日」のお祝いの期間と重なっていて、町全体がお祭りムードに包まれていました。町全体で色々な飾りつけの準備がちょうど始まっている時期にメキシコに行きました。11月は町全体がオレンジを基調とした色で飾り付けがされます。オレンジはこの時期に咲くマリアゴールドの色です。「死者の日」はなくなった先祖の霊があの世からこの世へ来る日で、マリアゴールドのオレンジ色を目指してこの世へ来ると言われていて、「死者の日」のお祭りは日本の「お盆」に似た日だなと感じました。 カンペチェでもお祭りがあって、その日は「死者の日」の前夜祭とでもいうのか、お祭りのパレードの日でした。
Historic Fortified Town of Campeche
We also participated in the parade!
A parade was to be held in the city of Campeche, and we all decided to participate in it. My friend's daughters changed into the traditional costume of Campeche and joined the parade. The traditional clothes are so beautiful!
The traditional costumes of Campeche are colorful and beautifully embroidered. The women in the parade were dressed in traditional costumes with beautifully decorated hair ornaments. The men wore simple white shirts. If you look closely, you can see beautiful embroidery on the men's shirts as well. And, everyone was dressed in beautiful traditional costumes. After the Spanish occupation, Spanish culture seemed to be strongly reflected in their traditional clothes. However, it is hotter in Campeche than in Europe, so I wondered if the costumes had evolved to be more breathable and suitable for the climate.
Video clips 👉👉
The parade of people dressed in the beautiful traditional costumes of Campeche was breathtaking, and I was glad that I was able to come to Mexico for sightseeing at such a good time. The beautifully painted houses in the old town of Campeche, combined with the tropical climate, made me feel like I was in a foreign country, indeed. Yes, that's I always wanted to have this kind of experience. This is the real thrill of traveling abroad, and I felt like I was experiencing a new culture, which was a really good memory. I believe that the joy of sightseeing lies in blending in with the locals and experiencing how they live and what they do every day. Sightseeing is great, but there is nothing more enjoyable than participating in a local festival and having an experience of their "daily lives" for a short time.
Campeche Cathedral
In front of the Campeche Cathedral is a plaza, and there were so many tourists gathered there. I saw many tourists from North America and Europe. I did not see any Asians at all, including Japanese, probably because of the distance from Japan. At night, the large Cathedral of Campeche is illuminated, creating a fantastic atmosphere. It stands out even from a distance and has become a landmark of the city. Inside the cathedral, there was a quiet prayer time, and devout Catholics were praying. In the cathedral, there was a big parade outside the cathedral, and I felt that the town has many aspects. This place, where the quiet cathedral and the bustling main street meet, was just like the Tenmabashi area in Osaka where I am from. Next to the large Tenmangu shrine is the Tenmabashi shopping district, the largest shopping street in Osaka. I must be the only one who came all the way to Campeche thinking about the Tenmabashi shopping district. It was funny that I connected everything I watched with something I saw in Osaka. Well, probably, I miss Osaka. I was watching the parade thinking to myself, "What a funny thing to think about.... I watched the parade with this thought in my mind.
What a beautiful city, Campeche is!
It really was a coincidence that I got to visit Mexico during the "Day of the Dead" celebration, and I feel very lucky to have been able to spend this precious time. Thanks to my friend and his wife who brought me to this parade. GRACIAS!! Thank you very much, buddy!
🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦
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