Madrid is a versatile city, which offers many interesting leisure alternatives, which make it a most interesting and complete destination, for all those visitors who wish to enter their cultural and cultural modus vivendi.

Dedicated, precisely, to Culture, in any of its many manifestations, Madrid also has excellent spaces, which contribute to enrich the world of sensory perceptions of all those who frequently visit us.

Due to its location, inside that generous and splendid natural lung that is our Buen Retiro Park, one of such spaces, is the so-called Palacio de Velázquez.

Reconditioned inside, as a specially enabled cultural space, artistic exhibitions are often frequent, where many artists have the opportunity to show a considerable part of their work, with the assurance that, in addition to being located in a privileged place, as is a few meters from the lake and the Crystal Palace, much is the daily influx of visitors and also influences the detail that these exhibitions maintain a state of gratuity and are usually accessible to all audiences.

The last exhibition, which showed us the personal vision of a world driven by the depersonalization caused by an excess of technology, was that of the Japanese artist Tetsuda Ishida.

On the contrary, perhaps as a counterpoint to that accelerated life in which we are immersed by the evolution of the society in which we live, the Milanese artist Mario Merz, who died in 2003, also invites us to reflection, being one of the innovators that used materials called 'poor' or recycling, combining not only a shout in favor of Nature - put in the forefront with the Climate Change Summit, held recently in Madrid, without apparent agreements - but severely criticizing that exaggerated consumerism, inconsequential and decidedly devilish, which really separates us from a balanced and balanced life, making us, possibly, much more prisoners of that great god Moloch, which is definitely Time.

Far from classical patterns, followed even by artists of relatively modern times, such as Goya, where Time was represented in the terrible form of a merciless and cannibal father, devouring his own children, Mario Merz's creativity invites us to reflect, going through different cultural patterns, like a simple nomad shop, in that concept of primordial time or real time, in which he insisted a lot on his works, that great Romanian hermeneut, who was Mircea Eliade.

Bold and at the same time metaphorical, Merz's work, then, invites us to pause, to reflect, to look at life as if the world were a gigantic 'sâmbó room' - a term used by Eliade - where we really seclude and take advantage until the minute.

Because, as an old Latin proverb said: every hour they hurt, but the last one kills.

In addition to being a free exhibition, it has as a counterpoint to test these reflections, the opportunity to meditate while taking a pleasant walk, discovering the secret and really wonderful corners of one of the most emblematic places in Madrid, as mentioned Retirement park.

The exhibition ‘Time is Mute’, is accessible to everyone until March 29, 2020.

NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive property. The latter, taken with authorization in the aforementioned exhibition and do not intend another purpose, except to illustrate this article. The video is also my property, except music, reproduced under YouTube license.

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