Earlier this year we did a roadtrip through Poland, and one of the most unique place we visited was Wąwóz Korzeniowy Dół, which is a unique and interesting gorge located near the small town of Kazimierz Dolny.

Amazing looking tree roots
Amazing looking tree roots

Before we get into exploring this place let me explain how to find it - it wasnt as easy as we thought, as reading the Google reviews it sounded like a very touristy spot but we were nearly the only ones there. If you put the address into Google you will find the parking nearby. after a small walk you will come to a shop, and you can walk right alongside the shop and enter the eroded gorge - no entry fee is necessary!


The word is that this place has been eroded over thousands of years, and thus gives the look of a walkway with massive protruding treeroots along the sides. My first impressions were that it looks like something from a movie or TV show - Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones come to mind :).


Each curve and turn gives a different impression and a different look at some of the stunning and massive tree roots. The area is atleast 3 or 4 meters wide, and goes on for a couple of hundred meters so there is plenty of time to take it all in.

As I said when we went there were barely any people around (and it was summer!), but maybe we just got lucky somehow... it seemed more like a hidden gem to me.

Uniquely unique
Uniquely unique

If you are interested in unique pieces of nature then this is surely a place to visit. We only stayed for an hour at the most, as it is a small place but it was worth the extra trip if you are taking a roadtrip around Poland!

All photos taken by me.