Bashan: Sydney, AUSTRALIA.jpg

This was a place that I visited on one of my first forays into Sydney soon after arriving back into Australia in the midst of the Omicron outbreak. It was quite strange to be back in a familiar yet alien city and society... and I had no idea where anything was, or where to eat. So, it meant that every night was a bit of a lottery as far as dinner was concerned, as I just googled places that were near where I was staying and I would just pick something that seemed to have decent reviews... or just revisit a place that that had caught my eye asI had walked past earlier in the day.

Bashan was one of the latter places... I had actually seen it earlier as I was doing the food shopping. Just picking up some cider and ice-cream that would go with a dinner... but then I had seen this place that looked like it was offering some simple Chinese style takeaway and most importantly, dumplings!

The Space

Well... this was in the tail end of the Omicron outbreak, and it was one of the first away from home work jobs that I had... so, I was pretty keen to not expose myself more than I needed to. After all, if I got sick, I would not only lose my work... but I would also be stranded in the wrong city and likely be out of pocket for accommodation and all of that whilst in isolation.

The Menu

Bashan: Sydney, AUSTRALIA.jpg

So, everything here looks pretty damn tasty... plus, it doesn't hurt that the photos look decent as well. Too often, in some of the Chinese takeaways, the photos are pretty damn horrific, which can put you off... on the other hand, some places take such glossy photos... and the real food, well... looks slightly different!

Bashan: Sydney, AUSTRALIA.jpg

I have noticed that there are many many more Chinese restaurants in Sydney these days... I'm pretty happy mostly about that, there is some pretty good cooking going on in these places, which is a nice upgrade from some of the horrible dives that used to be prevalent in Australia. You are getting some good authentic cooking from the various regions, rather than a generic "chinese" style.

The Food

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Rice noodles... I can't tell you how much I LOVE rice noodles.... There is something about the slightly chewy and flat texture of the noddles that is just soooooo good! Plus, it holds the sauce nicely, and when it is a beef sauce... well, it is up there on my list of favourites!

Now, sometimes, the danger is that the noodle dishes are drowned nin sauce... thankfully, that didn't happen here. There is nothing worse than noodles drowning in sauce... even if you are in Sydney and you are literally drowning in rain and flood! That shouldn't be reflected in the food!

Bashan: Sydney, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Steamed pork and chives dumplings... oh man, how I had missed those when in Europe. Now, we can get good dumplings pretty much anywhere! YUM!

The Experience

So, as I had mentioned before, it is quite a nice surprise to come back to Australia and to see so many authentic Chinese restaurants that showcase different styles of cooking from different parts of China. It really used to be that you would get this oddly generic and Westernised style of chinese cooking that was mostly okay... but just not that great. So, I would often find myself going to Japanese, Vietnamese, or Thai places instead.

Bashan was a great place to pick up a takeaway... and I'm sure that in better times, it would be a place that I would revisit to sit down and eat as well. The people who where there looking pretty satisfied... but I was there for work, and I had to keep my exposure to a minimum! But I will definitely be revisiting if I'm in the area!

Opening Times

Monday 11am–3pm, 4–9pm
Tuesday 11am–3pm, 4–9pm
Wednesday 11am–3pm, 4–9pm
Thursday 11am–3pm, 4–9pm
Friday 11am–3pm, 4–9pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 11am–3pm, 4–9pm

Contact Details

Address: Shop 122/11 Ebsworth St, Zetland NSW 2017
Phone: (02) 8880 4585
