A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

A bunch of photos from a recent Autumn walk around the headland of Tathra, one of the Sapphire Coast towns near Bega and Merimbula that had a fire go through it several years ago. It was a great day for a walk, nice and bright Autumn Sun and the cool air made it perfect for taking kids around with us without too many complaints.

There are quite a few walking tracks that hug the coast going up and down this area... and much further afield for those who are more adventurous, or those who desire beaches that aren't accessible by cars!

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

There is something immensely relaxing about being able to see and look off into the distance, at the intersection between sea and land. I really prefer this sort of landscape compared to the beach interface!

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Scattered around the walk are newly built rest stations that offer you a short breather with a stunning view! Interestingly enough, I noticed later on that these are the same stools that the local pub has!

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... somewhere behind me, there is someone screaming to get away from the edge! Seriously, I'm a good few metres back...

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You can see how much the vegetation has grown back from the fires that completely blackened the area not so long ago. Australian fires are quite intense, but the vegetation needs it as well. The old dead trees line a greener view... making for a really stark contrast between death and life.

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... hmmm, a somewhat older rest station, but still with a great view!

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A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

As we walk past an area with lots of high broken and dead trees, you see lots of termite mounds around. Also, as the wind blows, the dead wood clatters against each other, making sounds like skeletons in the night!

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

Some fishermen are brave (or foolhardy...) enough to be fishing down amongst the rocks. Mostly, it is okay... but sometimes there is a freak wave that washes though... I was told about an event a few years ago where several fishermen were swept out and at least one died. The rest had to swim out and around to a different landing spot...

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

... hmmm, some ideas for an outdoor steps at home. Definitely taking notes and ideas about what might work! More keen about this construction as opposed to concrete... and wood!

Anyway, I'll leave you with a handful of other photos... we finally ended up at the pub, where the kids had a well-deserved ice-cream and the rest of us had a beers. I had both...

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg

A Walk around Tathra (AUSTRALIA).jpg