Sometimes you have to go around. Look at the creations of God and give thanks. You will see and regret hundreds of years of tradition. He is traveling to Silsila this time Nawabganj. We have no rice in the wool, Nababi style. Being in the Nawabi Hall is also an art


Sudden plan. The younger Nawab Russell of Dhaka, and the elder Nawab Shehab, brother of Banskhali. I missed the floor of Noakhali. On the night of the cold night, Saturn's arena was joined by three people. I played jumpshop at night. Korma Pollaway will not get my mon, hottabayun and raw lanka admission as much as you would love love. Ha ha


Russell is directing us like a Google Map. Efficient guide

I left at eight o'clock. Oma, look at the wheel of Dhaka. Not here at night. Wheel does not stop here. Before this I heard the names of Anand Ghar, Kazi Ghar, Mirza Ghar, Chowdhury Ghar. This time, the journey left the atmosphere of the house dehydrated. I caught the bus, Gulistan to Maintghat. Rental money. Because we have taken George home. Bus is written by mini kux bazaar! Who knows what it's writing. Bus owners have a huge focus on speed and speed.


Manikganj. There are rows of rows on both sides, in the middle of the dusty fog. I saw in the eyes. On both sides of the fresh juvenile field of mustard. I wish I had come down. There is no saying that God will fulfill all desires. I hit the eye poison After an hour-and-a-half ride to Dohar, I came to Georgebari. First, of course, I returned to Kokilpri school and home. I took pictures in a beautiful cottage. The lawyer is at home or takes a ticket. On that day the marriage goes on. No ticket tickets. Sean Dam. The housemates are drying their hair, the kids are swinging. The men are hatching in the garden with their thoughts. We wanted to take the picture with the image, this is the house, the garden is also in our house


There is no George George Sabet. I could not get in. Otherwise, how much of the royal house rent Jigaitam and RK Russell brother left light and gave up the light. This time I left for Kalkopa 'Ansar Camp. The camp is a short walk inside the village. It is forbidden to take pictures like that!

Some old houses Only the hammam's comforts of peace in the corridor fellam. Cotton is forbidden, hmmm can be done. Going to the front of the camp is full. The calm is the 'Ishmati' river. Two leaps high, its slopes on its slopes. Sparkling water. The old ferry. I was glad to see the cold bath in Konkan. Mon bath or actual bath! Ha ha So cold. At that moment, Russell's brother appeared with three coffee cups. Ah, I gently kiss the kiss of warm love, kiss.

Adnan Palace 'Park is on the way. Good. There is nothing to see. The baby boomers in the baby park are not woken up to the winter flames. I took a photo with Nawabi Hal. Shehab's brother bought the name of Chanamanar. From there I jumped on Tom Moment and left at Mardin Ghat Edin heard the name of Doha, this time I saw. The tin house is being sold here. I thought Lee would go!

I went to Ghat and read Zuma. Chutomoto Mosque. Khateeb, his treasure is extraordinary. We are Mr. Trishak Musafir.

There is no ummatal wave in Padma. The river is not here. Something shy. Saucer boat

Nothing, quite unplanned. Here is the Padma hilsa to eat. I'm anti-fish, fish no hi. I played lemon shreds in Faridpur on beef. The bill of three people came to 200 eighty three. Not evil The kids are flying kicks. Wow ..

Can't swim in Padma, wondering if I can swim. Shehab bhai said go Will go Mango bamboo jalakadar more beautiful! What?
