由於weekend兩天都比較忙, 所以今天才可以繼續寫遊記!
松山遊以後, 開始了一天乘車乘了好久好久的一天, 我們一早8點多就乘了往高松的JR!然後在高松轉到德島! 4個小時以後, 我們終於到了德島!
Continue my travels after a busy weekend!
After Matsuyama, we started the day with long travel time at 8.10am from Matsuyama to Takamatsu, then Takamatsu to Tokushima. After 4hrs, we arrived Tokushima finally!

列車車身及車廂的天花都有麵包超人裡的角色, 十分開心!
列車上還有麵包超人的便當, 因為太可愛了, 所以立刻買了一個!!
Let me show you the photos of Anpanman JR!
Feel delighted due to the outlook and the ceiling of the carriage was fully printed with Anpanman’s characters!
Also, special Anpanman Bento for passenger can be purchased from the major station or during the travel. I bought one as it is reli cute!

到了德島以後去吃了一個好好吃的德島拉麵, 到酒店放下行李以後, 就乘巴士到了鳴門海峽!
要看鳴門漩渦有2個方法, 可以用渦之道, 或者直接乘觀潮船去體驗大漩渦!
我選擇了在渦之道上觀看漩渦! 渦之道在漩渦的45公尺上, 可以在渦之道盡覽海中的大小漩渦!漩渦的聲音十分響亮, 渦之道中更有漩渦的形成及地圖介紹! 不怕會迷失在眼前的風景中!
Ate a famous ramen after arrived Tokushiam, then we put down our luggage at the hotel and took bus to visit Naruto Strait!
The famous view of Naruto Strait is The Naruto Whirlpools!
The whirlpools formed by the special geography of Naruto Strait, the flow of seawater that affected by the changing of tides
There are 2 ways to see the whirlpools, 1st you can travel by walking at the Uzu no Michi, 2nd join the boat tour to experience and see the whirlpools closely.
We chose to viewed from Uzu no Michi, the walkway at 45 meters above the whirlpools which can view the whirlpools through the glass floor! The sound of the whirlpool is very loud! Also, the walkway showed the formation of whirlpools and map introduction! Not afraid to be lost in the scenery before us!

介紹一下我在德島住的酒店, 住這間酒店的舒適程度, 令我們決定了最後兩晚的住處也選擇了同一集團的酒店!
I would like to recommend the hotel stayed to you, this hotel was comfortable enough to affect our accommodation of last 2 nights in Takamatsu!
德島站前Daiwa Roynet酒店/ Daiwa Roynet Hotel Tokushima-Ekimae
酒店房間及浴室也比一般酒店大, 我們很幸運, 有一間房有按摩椅的! 價錢也不錯, 早餐選擇不多但十分美味!
The hotel room and bath room was comparatively bigger than normal hotel room in Japan. We were so lucky as one assigned room have massage chair inside! Room rate is reasonable, not many choices for breakfast but those food are delicious!

Source from JAPANiCAN

德島美食介紹/Restaurant Recommendation-Tokushima

1.中華そば いのたに 本店

address: 〒770-0903 徳島県徳島市西大工町4丁目25

一家沒有什麼遊客而且超級好吃的德島拉麵店! 離德島站有15分鐘步行路程, 用豬肋肉還有醬油豬骨湯底, 上面加上一隻生蛋!好好吃!!!!!
This Tokushima Ramen restaurant is local and delicious! 15mins walking distance from Tokushima station, they use pork rib meat and soyu-pork bone broth, add an egg at the top of ramen! Amazing!!!!!


address: 〒770-0833 徳島県徳島市一番町2丁目11-3
Tel: +81 88-624-1351

一家吃當地有名的阿波尾雞的餐廳, 有串燒, 鍋物等等! 全部都十分美味, 阿波尾雞肉汁豐富, 值得推薦! 因為價錢也不太貴, 所以我們不停吃串燒!
Famous restaurant of AWAODORI, they provided yakitori and dishes served by pot etc! Those are delicious, Awaodori is juicy and low fat, worth to try and recommend to all of you! We keep ordering yakitori as the price is reasonable!

鳴門漩渦/Naruto Whirlpools

Previous Post:

松山遊記/Matsuyama Travels ulog#007
廣島美食推介/Restaurant Recommendation in Hiroshima ulog#006
廣島遊記/Hiroshima Travels ulog#005
東京遊記&美食介紹(2)/Tokyo Travels & Restaurant Recommendation(2) ulog#004
橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記/Yokohama-Kamakura-Enoshima Travels ulog#0003
5月兩日一夜輕井澤遊記/ 2days 1night trip to Karuizawa in May ulog#002
東京美食推介/ Tokyo Restaurant Recommendation ulog#001

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