打完日本的遊記後, 不知道你們明不明白我在遊記介紹餐廳時, 說的Tabelog是什麼?
這個Tabelog用起來很方便, 但是有一個小缺點就是...Tabelog的apps 是不開放給其他國家的用家下載, 所以在日本街頭找的時候, 就只能在手機用網頁版了!
After my Japan travels, just wonder if you understand "what Tabelog is"?
I used to state in my previous restaurant recommendation
Today I would like to briefly introduce this restaurant searching website in Japan!!
Tabelog is user-friendly!
The only point which I hope they can improve is..Tabelog apps could open to users in other countries to download.
Tabelog only open their apps to Japan area users to download, if tourist would like to search restaurant when you are in Japan, you can only use the mobile website!
Photos were captured from Tabelog mobile website

1.先開網頁, 它預設了東京地區
Open the website, default set the area as Tokyo

2.可以點右上角的三橫, 會彈出控制選項, 你可以選擇你想要的語言!
Choose the icon at the upper right corner, it will show the control list and you can choose the language you want!

3.開始搜尋啦, 先按城市
Search now, choose city

Then followed the district you choose and show different type of restaurant.

Click Conditions that located below the search bar, then choose the district or type of food you want to search
Choose type of restaurant

You can also choose the lunch or dinner, budget

8.我用東京上野區, 烤肉餐廳, 沒有指定的預算, 顯示出來的結果會有評分!
I choose Tokyo Ueno, Yakiniku(BBQ Beef), no specified budget, the result will show with the rating of the restaurant!
You can choose depends on rating and budget

最後, 你可以從選的餐廳資料裡看到
Finally,you can saw below information of the restaurant in the page
-Rating (Lunch and dinner could have different rating)
-Address and Opening hours
-Related photos and comments
-Some of restaurant could show availability on that day

Tabelog로 식당 검색하는 방법:
1.원래 검색지는 도쿄에 설정했어요!
2.오른쪽 위에 아이콘을 선택하고, 통제 목록 있고 원하는 연어를 선택해요!
3.검색하자!!! 첫 째, 시티 선택해요!
4.지구 선택해고 그 위치의 식당 여러가지 찾을 수 있어여!
5.다른 방법...검색 창 아래에 조건에서 원 하는 식당장르나 위치를 선택해요!
6.식당 장르 선택
7.점심이나 저녁의 예산도 선택할 수 있어요!
8.마지막, 선택한 식당 정보를 볼 수 있어요!
-식당 점수(점심과 저녁 점수 다를 수 있어요!)
-주소와 영업시간
-사진와 평가
그리고 그날에 식당의 상황!

검색 완료!! 맛있는 음식 먹으러 가자!!!!

所有照片如非特別註明, 全部都是我自己拍攝
All photos were took by myself unless it specially indicated "SOURCE"


Previous Post:

和歌山美食及住宿推介/Restaurant & Accommodation in Wakayama ulog#014
和歌山遊記 (3)/ Wakayama Travels (3)/와카야마 이야기(3) ulog#013
和歌山遊記 (2)/Wakayama Travels (2) ulog#012
和歌山遊記 (1)/Wakayama Travels (1) ulog#011
金刀比羅宮及男木島遊記/ Kotohira-gu Shrine & Ogijima Travels ulog#010
高松遊記/Takamatsu Travels ulog#009
德島遊記&美食推介/Tokushima Travels & Restaurant Recommendation ulog#008
松山遊記/Matsuyama Travels ulog#007
廣島美食推介/Restaurant Recommendation in Hiroshima ulog#006
廣島遊記/Hiroshima Travels ulog#005
東京遊記&美食介紹(2)/Tokyo Travels & Restaurant Recommendation(2) ulog#004
橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記/Yokohama-Kamakura-Enoshima Travels ulog#0003
5月兩日一夜輕井澤遊記/ 2days 1night trip to Karuizawa in May ulog#002
東京美食推介/ Tokyo Restaurant Recommendation ulog#001

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://yanyanbebesteem.000webhostapp.com/2018/08/%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e7%9a%84%e9%a4%90%e5%bb%b3%e6%90%9c%e5%b0%8b%e7%b6%b2%e7%ab%99-tabelog-restaurant-searching-website-tabelog-%ec%9d%bc%eb%b3%b8%ec%97%90-%ec%8b%9d%eb%8b%b9-%ea%b2%80%ec%83%89-2