The Red Pearl Chinese feast!

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Believe it or not, I just went to the best Chinese food in town. Not gonna lie nor it's a click bait.. It's the only Chinese restaurant in Boulder Creek town where I'm located at the moment. The Red Pearl. Simple yet special.

The Red Pearl, Boulder Creek

In the northern reaches of the San Lorenzo Valley, located in the mystical mountains of Santa Cruz, is the long ago town of Boulder Creek. It is there at The Red Pearl, that the most delicious Chinese food is prepared fresh daily. Also, there is Zhujiang, the pearl dragon. He has now come to these mystical mountains to dwell as protector of The Red Pearl, the owner, Jenny and Ren, and all who partake of its wondrous food.

Not my first time here at The Red Pearl and seems like it's not the last time. This morning we're craving for some western style kind of breakfast. A friend was thinking some sort of scramble eggs with sourdough toast and all that. Left the house too late for breakfast and the restaurant we went for was already close at 2PM. 'Chinese food?' That's randomly said and 'Sure!' It's not like we had so many choices anyways in town and Asian food could always be a go-to choice.

The Red Pearl is still as Chinese as it always is.. The coziness.. The warm welcome.. The thing that added on to the dining experience today was just the 'Happy New Year!' greeting from the owner and customers back and forth the every so often whole time we're there. Oh yeah, it's January 1st, 2020.

First day of the decade and we had Chinese food for breakfast at 2 in the afternoon. Already feel like it's going to be a great year ahead.




The Red Pearl's Dan Dan noodle

Vegetarian Spring rolls to start off with. The friend also order a vegetarian noodle dish called 'Dan Dan noodle'. Honestly, I have never heard of that dish but it's something stir fry with peanut sauce and noodle. The Vegetarian version got tofu in it. Sounds so good so Kev and I order the same dish with pork.

These were quite alright. I would prefer to have more stuffing in the spring rolls and maybe some more delicious sauce? I'm not too sure what exactly we had as a spring roll dipping sauce but it's quite red..

The Dan Dan noodle, honestly, was quite weird combination.. Our pork one, besides the peanut sauce, it got a bit of bamboo shoots, mini corn, and water chestnut in it too. In case you didn't catch that, 'water chestnut' in a stir-fried noodle. I really didn't expect that coming but hey, I think it's quite nice of a texture contrast with the that softly firm noodle..






Spicy stir fry with rice

I was craving rice! Hey, no racism here but for me, it gotta be some sort of rice. I couldn't be bother looking through all the thousands menu items. At least, that's what I felt like. How many were on that one piece of paper, seriously.

'Could I please have, a very spicy stir-fried beef on top of rice please?'

As easy as that, I didn't get what I wanted. Turned out, the spicy stir-fried I imagined, they cook something like a deep-fried battered beef with the sweet and sour sauce. I was actually a bit disappointed but try to be positive about it telling myself, there's that chilli paste on the table hey!

Not sure if I'm just weird but I'm somehow not really into the hot sauce with that vinegary taste to it and unfortunately, most of the American hot sauces are like that. Tabasco, Sriracha, whatever you name it. Even the one in the authentic Chinese Restaurant in a small town like Boulder Creek. Dang it!

Anyways, I survive with another Asian meal..


Boulder Creek is not that big of a Californian town with its 4,923 people population. A few restaurant in town. For Asian food lovers : One Chinese and one Japanese restaurant. What!? Not even a Thai one? Red Pearl is totally one of the locals' favourites as it's been there for such a long time now. The owner is lovely and quite funny..

'I'm glad the other place's close because it gives me more business'

#lol We all laughed with that adorably honest saying. The food was delicious. Not gonna lie, some of the ingredients or combinations of the food were pretty odd / interesting. The water chestnuts! The peanut sauce noodle.. Well, maybe they really eat that in China? I've never been to the country so really, I can't be judging.

It's yum! and reasonable priced! so next time when in Boulder Creek and crave for some Asian food, you got this one and the sushi place, Tae's Edo.



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