
Been going back and forth Thailand, Santa Cruz for quite a few years now but never had I ever heard of this sound-fun place to visit 'The Mystery Spot'? Weird gravity stuff or haunted cabin no one seems to understand?

The Mystery Spot, Santa Cruz

The Mystery Spot was opened in 1939 - A gravitational anomaly located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California.

I had a glance at a Youtube video about it for a bit and decided to give a place a go. Not that I'm too curious about whatever is going on there but that sh*tty video have 200k views so far and I hope my channel would have the same chance.. #oops Too honest? If you haven't done so though, subscribe for more random fun travel and video! <3

Just a bit out of downtown Santa Cruz, roughly, 15 minutes drive. I went there after my few days chilling in Santa Cruz where I had a chance to stay in this cool old-school 130+ years old house and enjoy chill days at Santa Cruz Wharf and a bit of shopping in Santa Cruz Downtown.

Anyways, the last day of the city fun, we headed out of town to visit The Mystery Spot located in the middle of nowhere in the forest! Bad road too. So, seems like, the easiest way is driving or uber here. No buses would take you this far.

We got there in the afternoon and the first thing that attracted my eyes the first moment was this bright yellow car... Look close to it enough, you will see it's all covered with The Mystery Spot stickers which of course, we will be getting one(s) so soon.




The Mystery Spot cost

The surrounding is natural and cool. There's shop, a few game and drink machines, the tour area up the hill and a longer hiking trail on the other side of the parking.

I don't want to scare you off with the tour price of $8 per person plus $5 Parking fee and then, tipping the tour guide at the end of the 30 mins The Mystery Spot tour (Optional, of course).

** Book your ticket online here or walk in.

Banana Slug of Santa Cruz

You know, they seem to be so proud of their yellow logo. It's on everything, everywhere. That cool car (Actually, now that I think about it... It looks cool just because of The Mystery Spot stickers!), chapsticks, pins, oh!! They also sell the cute little banana slug keychain. I haven't heard or known of this little bug till now. Quite cool! Here's an epic banana slug post I found.


Gravity, perspective, and height at The Mystery Spot

The tour takes about 30-40 mins depends on how busy they are at the moment. When we're there, it's quite a slow day so we got more time in a weird-looking cabin where you can do weird posing in photos and take fun unique photos.

It is a circular area of effect around 46 meters in diameter. Within the Mystery Spot, we were quite stunned as our perceptions of the laws of physics and gravity are questioned... it's some kind of puzzling variations of gravity, perspective, and height.

Imagine the guide shows us the ground is leveled, get one short guy and one tall guy to stand at both ends of a wooden board. The next minute when they both switch places, they have the same height... Whatttt?!

Our guide is a cool and funny one. Whatever he says, wait till the sentences ends so that you know it's a serious one or just a joke #lol That makes it a fun science tour!



Here's my most fav!

This house is already in the odd-looking shape and position. First, before we got here, I imagine it would be some kind of gravity that would push you up so you would never fall. Like, in space you know but nah, not really. It's just a weird angle that makes it a different perspective.

Even though we got a bit more time in the house, there's still not enough time or not a timing window where I could have a photo of me without other people around. Smaller group or some kind of queue would be great.




Well, it looks kinda f*cked up

Some speculate that cones of metal were secretly brought here and buried in our earth as guidance systems for their spacecraft. Some think that it is, in fact, the spacecraft itself buried deep within the ground. Other theories include carbon dioxide permeating from the earth, a hole in the ozone layer, a magma vortex, the highest dielectric bio cosmic radiation known anywhere in the world, and radiesthesia.

The guide explained the whole entire theories with the conclusion, 'No one knows what exactly causes this'. That's why it remains a mystery and maybe that's why it still attracts visitors all year round to come to find out and experience The Mystery Spot.



It is quite a cool experience as we don't normally see this kind of thing elsewhere every so often. Even though The Mystery Spot claim to have many visitors return time and time again to experience these puzzling variations of gravity, perspective, and height, I found it's a one-time thing for me. Check it out if you're in Santa Cruz and are interested in this kind of thing at all.

Wait, don't forget to grab a few of these Mystery Spot stickers. Grab as many as you'd like, they say.

Here's a place I stayed when I was in Santa Cruz. It's located in a historic area within a walkable distance to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk, Santa Cruz Wharf and even downtown Santa Cruz.

The Mystery Spot
Address: 465 Mystery Spot Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95065
Tel: (831) 423-8897
Official Site:

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