Yes! Sincere, indeed. Actually, it's a market in Chiang Mai called 'Jingjai market'. Jingjai in English means 'Sincere'. Not sure how it sounds to you in English but in Thai, quite cute. Jingjai Market is totally one of my most favourite markets or my most favourite thus far I have been in Chiang Mai, to be honest. Would love to know the reasons why? Let's just wander around together!

Jingjai Market

Jingjai Market is a 40-acre complex with handicrafts, organic produce & collectables markets with restaurants.

I have just been here last week for the very first time with the suggestion of one of the cleanest hostels in Chiang Mai's owner. Confusing huh? and it's not even about the topic.

Anyways, just imagine the cooling temperature, sunshine, your favourite cup of coffee and live music in a garden. Not to mention some good food you could grab for breakfast or brunch. Good vibes, one word could just explain it all.

Handicrafts & collectables

This zone is quite spacious and you will actually find it first thing when you walk into the market. Small stands with creative ideas : Clothes, bags, shoes, yes those cute hand woven shoes!, arts, old books/CDs or even those little cactuses.

I was not really there for shopping really. I have been told it was 'Farmer Market' so I was expecting food, good food.

Jingjai Outdoor market

Those homemade yogurts look nice!
Here come the fun! I love it more outside with all the random stuffs : a clown, 2 live music spots, clothes, more handicrafts and most importantly, food.

Llive music. I was just hanging around at just one of the spots since I loved how chill it was and the singer that day, she's happily singing, literally. A few tables and chairs just right in front of the performers so you could grab food somewhere and come chill here.

There're many food stalls and they're all looked yummy. It was quite hard for a woman with small stomach. I was too hesitate, I wanted them all :D Most of the food you can tell, it's homemade and the owner/maker are there to serve the food themselves. Passion is all around and having the live music as a bg music is totally a way to go.

My breakfast at Jingjai Market

ฺDon't judge me but it doesn't always have to be some light meal for breakfast. A piece of cake, a slice of bread, congee, oatmeal and maybe a cup of milk.. Thai people don't really have a particular type of food to define as breakfast. I would even have blood noodle soup aka Boat noodle for breakfast if I feel like.

Here at Jingjai Market, after walking around a few times, my heart brought me back to the Takoyaki stall. At the time I was back, oh man, how many people in line and literally, I waited for at least 10-15 minutes.

I order the one with octopus (100THB). You got like, the whole little one on each takoyaki almost. They make it just right there and I love the container they use. All natural, how cute is that ! The takoyaki itself was not bad. The mayo and the seaweed make it the complete delicious Japanese Snack.

2 friends who went together got some kinds of wraps and Thai / Chinese style deep fried dough balls with sweeten ground mung beans inside. There's such a variety so I'm sure you will find what you'd love to eat of if not, a great cup of coffee to energise you up a bit?

I had 3 cups of coffee

Yes! Sooooo many coffee stalls at Jingjai market and not even kidding, during those 2 hours or so, I had 3 cups of coffee myself. I just couldn't resist and maybe that's why I couldn't eat any more for breakfast but those 4 octopus takoyakis..

The trailer. I went for this one since they have this lovely sentence written 'Brew with passion'. See! The passion is all around but unfortunately, I don't think they use the type of coffee I like. I always go for Americano and I like it a bit acidic. This one from The trailer was just straight bitter. If you like it like that, sure go for it.

Choojai Organic Farm Coffee. Oh man, this is insane and it sure blew my mind. 'Freedom to drink, pay as you wish'. No, not that the low price that blew my mind. Believe me, you would probably end up paying more than the other pre-priced coffee places elsewhere. This is such a unique way of drinking. How you could just sit in the circle of other customers, watch the process of coffee dripping and yes, enjoy freshly dripped coffee. You could even choose medium roasted or light roasted. I picked the light roasted and hey you, I love the coffee!

Another randomOrganic Coffee I came across when walking in the fresh food market. Real simple. With its reasonable price combined with the word 'organic', even I had already had 2 cups a bit earlier, I had another one. Again, I love the coffee.

Fresh Market

We were walking for quite sometimes and I just found out just right when I bought that last cup of coffee, this is what most likely farmer market that the hostel owner'd mentioned. Not that I had something I wanted to buy, this is fun to see. All the fresh fruits, vegetables and other produced. Some preservative stuffs and teas too.

Jingjai market was fun! Real fun. Nothing too fancy but I just love the vibes. Not gonna lie but by far, best vibe market to walk around, chill, and buy quality products so far. If you are in Chiang Mai or plan on coming, do check this one out! Food is good, music is great and all makes it one of the best, in my opinion.

JingJai Market Chiang Mai

Address: 45 Atsadathon Rd, Tambon Chang Phueak, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50300, Thailand
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM
Saturday 6AM–1PM
Sunday 6AM–1PM

** The hostel owner told me it's weekend market so please check before going!

Phone: +66 53 231 520