Basílica de Santa María

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Hello friends
Today I present the Basilica of Santa Maria.
I have gone especially to show you its privileged place at the height that dominates the entire estuary entrance.
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She is in the town of Portugalete always looking at the sea.
This beautiful winter day left some spectacular photographs of its facade.
You don't have to be a Christian to admire the architecture and beauty, so we walked around and I leave what I thought was more beautiful and interesting.
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I always tell you that the story I leave for wikipedia.

Basílica de Santa María (Portugalete)

I like to tell you my feelings, if you deserve to spend a little time on it or if on the contrary it has no appeal.
I think she deserves a ticket.
As I told you we are in winter, the trees are bare leaving their multiple arms raised to the sky.
This makes the basilica look more beautiful.

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As I told you at the beginning it is at a height so as you see it, this time with a bright blue and intense sky, it is 11.30 in the morning
Just a quarter of an hour ago we left home, the temperature 4 degrees is cold and the sea bathes us with its cold breeze.
The viewpoint you have can not be better, right the estuary estuary entrance.
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On your left, the entire Portugalete promenade reaching the sea, showing the great pride of this town, its bridge, I have already told you about it but on another occasion we will see it better.
He is an iron titan and stories.
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But today we are with the basilica.
We skirt it whole while the bells replicate for the mass of 12.
There are few people yet and those who are sunbathing since it is very nice.
Among the trees we can see its tower, also between the swings in the back where we see its arches and its stone worn by the weather and the saltpeter.
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We have to enter before the Mass begins, we must not disturb those who come to pray.
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It is a small basilica, but that does not mean that it is not interesting, you can breathe tranquility. When we pass the porch we find the huge baptismal stone stack, I suppose many are baptized in it since since 1691 it has been a long time.
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Then you have the chapels on both sides.
Architecture is what I like most
Its arches and stone engravings, thinking like many artisans and teachers thought of something so beautiful and lasting.
As with the methods of other times they could create such monuments.
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It is Christmas time and the mystery could not miss an altar full of motifs and figures on the altar.
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The lights are on and it has a yellow hue that makes it look like a golden church with the sun's rays.
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The roofs with his nerves whenever I see them I remember our friend @juancar347 he does know about history and meaning I am a mere spectator, but he has made me look at these things with an open mind.
For him and for all of you I have photographed them.
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We left and found the organ, another treasure that still works.
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It's time to go out.
Well I have taken many more photos, I am a girl with the easy finger, but I have chosen the ones that I liked the most for you, in case you approach my land, land of charm and traditions.
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The visit is free and almost mandatory since it is a charming fishing village
You can arrive by subway or car from Bilbao is a 20-minute subway ride and ten minutes by car.
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Image © txatxy. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by Original content by @txatxy



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