Vienna is an interesting city to me. The first time I went there I didn't think too much of it. On the second time, I loved it.

Why? I really don't know. Maybe because I've went there during the Summer, on my second visit?

Today I want to share with you a few photos of the Hofburg Palace, the Heldenplatz (Heroes Place / Heroes Square), the Burgtor (Outer Castle Gate) and the Volksgarten (People's Garden). So let's begin...

As I was walking around, I reached the Hofburg Palace via the Burgtor (Outer Castle Gate), which is an imposing sight, I must say. I immediately took out my camera to take a shot at this incredible structure - built in the 19th century in order to defend the city.


What an interesting shot! I have only noticed the details of this capture when I got home and opened it on a big screen. You probably can't see it on the picture above, so I'll grab two parts of it, in order for you to understand what I mean.

On the left side of the frame, you have this girl on a skirt, sitting on a bicycle and watching the traffic light, waiting for the green sign to cross.


And on the other side of the crosswalk, there was this boy with a skateboard, clearly checking out the pretty girl. 🤭


As soon as you cross that gate, you are on the garden in front of the palace. And on the middle of it, there's the Maria Theresia Monument, named after the Empress Maria Theresa, who sits on a throne at the top of the monument. Below her, there are statues of the four riders, who were all military commanders under her reign.


Sorry about the photo, I couldn't take a shot from the front of the statue because the sun was directly hitting the camera...

Thankfully, we have the internet now... so you can see it, too, if you visit this page: Wikimapia - Maria-Theresa-Statue

Her full name was Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina and she lived between May 13th, 1717 and November 29th, 1780. She was the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg.

She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands, and Parma. 😮

By marriage, she was Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress. 😵

Source: Wikipedia - Maria Theresa

Indeed, there are some people who are born to make a big impact. This woman was one of them.


The Hofburg Palace is very large and with many wings. It is so huge that it's impossible to take a complete shot of it all - unless you have a helicopter - so I took a few photos of several parts, instead.


On the garden in front of the palace there are some pyramidal shapes which I'm not sure what they were about... maybe they are covering some statues? Or places where statues used to stand before having been taken elsewhere, perhaps to be restored?


Maybe they are covering some flowers so they don't get ruined? 🤔


The next shot is one of my favourite from this set. We can see the palace on the background with a statue of a horseman in front of it... and a cute couple walking away from it, while having a happy dialogue. 😘


Near the statue was an old man bent over while curiously looking down... He seemed really puzzled about something in particular but there was nothing there - except those metallic rails protecting the statue - so I don't really get what the guy was looking at. 🙄


Inside those gardens there was also this building, which seems like a library or a Greek museum... but in reality this is the Säulenhalle (Portico), a modern nightclub which also serves as a venue for concerts and private events. 🍹


The gardens around the palace are called Volksgarten (People's Garden).

This is a big public park which was built upon the city fortifications that were destroyed by Napoleon in 1809. It was opened to the public in 1823.

Source: Wikipedia - Volksgarten, Vienna

The gardens are quite vast and with lots of statues, fountains and also benches for people to relax...


Here's a closer look at this fountain. Yeah, besides people, birds also like to relax over here. 😁


Despite having many benches to sit on, most people would prefer to share the green lawns with the birds. You'd see plenty of people just sitting around and chatting to each other, doing nothing else all day long. What a life.


Since there are so many areas at these gardens, there is plenty of space for everyone. No need to be packed up unto each other - unlike those tourists in Benidorm (Spain) who barely have space to lay down a towel. 😂


I could have taken a lot more photos, since there was a lot more to see... but that would probably be too much. I think these are enough to make you feel how the place looks like.

Sources Used: Maria Theresa Monument | Wikipedia - Maria Theresa | Wikipedia - Volksgarten

CameraPanasonic Lumix DC-TZ90
LocationVienna - Austria
Photos1 (Untouched)
12 (Edited with GIMP)

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