Hello Hello Hivians

Today we are going back a couple of weeks and actually taking a stroll down to the river. Stroll down being the operative word!

Strolling down to the castle on the river .png

The River in question is the River Tweed. This was actually a stroll I took while we were waiting for a train to Edinburgh from Berwick upon Tweed train station.

So the starting and end point is Berwick train station!


It was while we were having a coffee in the waiting room that I realised that not only was the wonderful Royal Border Bridge a mere hop skip and a jump away but there was a gorgeous quaint park walk down to it.


Left or right ...

Decisions Decisions, actually we are going to go left there actually is no decision.

This is the reason why we are going left...


Castle Vale Park
I was amazed why I didn't know about this. Then it sort of twigged that although I have been through Berwick I have never actually wandered around it!

Let alone walk through this Castle Vale Park.


It has a green flag award, that got me to thinking about beaches. I only remember beaches in the UK getting flag awards.

We learn something new every day.

But wait, what do I see peaking through the foilage...


You can't see it?

Look harder I say

Go on... Look!


You see it now?

Yeah I think I shall dedicate a post solely for the Royal Border Bridge

Here you can see some of the arches of the viaduct.

But enough of that, we shall see a much better view when we get down all these steps...

Are you ready to go ....


I went straight down but on the way back I took a couple of stops to take some pictures which you shall see later...


Would you look at that fluffing view!

Beauty is everywhere. The bridge do you now when it was built...

It started in 1847 and finished in 1851. Wonderful so it is.

So this was at the bottom of the steps, let's get through the gate and see what's what!


This was on the left and it was a fluffing signpost... Well I confess I was not expecting that lol!

Okay what else did I see, this is the left so towards the town.


It was the two road bridges that cross the river Tweed. I was more interested in the castle to my right. Yes I knew there was a castle ruins, as I had seen the top of the ruins at Berwick train station...


Did you know the river and river bank were a nature trail. Well of course we are surrounded by nature...

But wait, what the fluff was nuzzling my leg...

Was it a dog?

Was it a cat?


NO it was a fluffing seal!!!

You don't believe me?

Hehe well look at the sign and seal as we walk further to the castle ruins and turn round to take this picture...


You can see the bridges in the distance. There was a seat which had someone sitting on it when I opened the gate.


I just realised I have a pic of when I first opened the gate and there is the bloke.

Oh well we shall just have some pics of the castle and view plus one of the bridge from the other side.

More can be seen when I make a full post on the Royal Border Bridge.

View from inside the castle.

Time is running out so let's head back to catch that train!


That is us back at the gate to the staircase upto the station...

Time to take one step at a time. Instead of stopping to smell the roses it will be stop to take a picture of some flowers. They were bonnie!

They even had a bandstand in the park albeit near the top.


Another signpost to show me the way, this time to go back to the Railway Station.


This is also a post to participate in the #wednesdaywalk initiative from the wonderful @@@tattoodjay

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and pictures were taken with my Canon HS70 Powershot Bridge camera.
@tengolotodo July 3rd 2024


Haste Ye Back!