Greetings community! This post is the continuation of my trip to some places in this great coastal region of Brazil. If you want to read the first part, click here:

The day after I went to Canoa Quebrada, I walked near the hostel where I stayed in Fortaleza, around the Iracema area.

The idea was to go along Av. Almirante Barroso to get to know the famous Dragâo do Mar cultural center, an impressive and modern structure that has everything: cinema, theater, museums, gallery, planetarium, cafés, and it is also surrounded by other buildings where there are restaurants, bars, craft shops, which give it a lot of movement and bohemian atmosphere.

Dragâo do Mar Cultural Center
Dragâo do Mar Cultural Center

In one of the air corridors of the Dragâo do Mar Cultural Center
In one of the air corridors of the Dragâo do Mar Cultural Center

At the end of my visit I took out my map to see how to get to the Central Market, it was only a few blocks away, there I entertained a couple of hours. I love to browse these places, they are like the condensed sample of what the personality of a town or city is like.

The Central Market is huge, with three floors that offer the visitor a wide variety of products, from the most handmade that is made in the state of Ceará to the most commercial from all sides (clothes, shoes, etc). The infinity of woven hammocks, wallets and leather bags and also liquors such as the famous cachaza, with which caipirinha is prepared, attract attention.

A nice t-shirt
A nice t-shirt

That same day in the afternoon, I asked for the bus to Praia do Futuro and I went there, to see if I had my second beach bath in Brazil. This beach is about 5 km from the center of Fortaleza and is considered the best in the city.

As I arrived, the sky suddenly clouded and as I got off at the bus stop, a few drops of rain began to fall. I crossed the street to the beach, took off my shoes and walked through the sand.

Praia do Futuro is wide, like 5 km and has all the services, there are food stalls, drinks, you can go kitesurfing and windsurfing and there were a lot of people playing soccer. The least people did was swim. It seemed to me that the waters were rough, I asked someone how they were and said yes, that the current was strong and I had to be careful, but what took me away from entering the sea was the weather, there was no sun, it had become even more cloudy since I arrived and that discouraged me. So I just kept touring the place.

In Brazil there is soccer anywhere
In Brazil there is soccer anywhere

The plan for the next day was to know Cumbuco, a less crowded beach that is about 35 km northwest of Fortaleza, famous for its dunes. I asked at the hostel how to get there and took a bus. I left early to take advantage of the day and see if I was again immersed in Brazilian waters. I was excited because there was bright sunshine.

Cumbuco beach
Cumbuco beach

The beach of Cumbuco is super extensive, so at the entrance, where the buses leave you, there are lots of buggies, those special carts for rolling through the sand, which offer visitors walks through the dunes and lagoons that are there. I checked the prices, it was not very expensive, but since I had taken little money with me that day, if I went in a buggie I would not be able to buy something to eat. Anyway I decided not to deprive myself of that ride, I would do it on foot. Yes, it was going to take longer, maybe it wasn't going to be as fun as riding a buggie, but since I love walking, I knew I would enjoy the tour anyway.

While I was walking along the shore of the beach, the buggies passed me by jumping, with the people who were riding there screaming, sometimes it seemed that at any moment they would fly away.

This place is ideal for kitesurfing
This place is ideal for kitesurfing

Cumbuco and its idyllic landscapes
Cumbuco and its idyllic landscapes

There came a time, when I didn't even know how long I had been walking, that no one was seen there. My goal was to reach Lagoa do Cauípe, where kitesurfing is practiced and as I read there were serene waters. I think that after more than two hours, I arrived, and it was really worth the long and lonely walk, the place is heavenly. There were many people doing kitesurfing, others bathing quietly, eating or sitting in the sun.

Finally I took my second bath on a beach in Brazil, I rested on the sand, ate, took photos and then for the return I walked more relaxed, I found the return route shorter, I think I did it in less than two hours, It must be because in certain sections I wanted to jog along the shore of the beach. Good energy that Cumbuco has!

To be continue…


All the photos were taken by me with a Sony Cyber Shot 7.2 mp digital camera