When I visited the state of Pernambuco in Brazil, one of the places I had marked in the guide to know was Olinda, a picturesque colonial city declared in 1982 as World Heritage by Unesco.

Photo: A view of Olinda from Alto da Sé, and in the distance Recife

Olinda is about 6 km from Recife, the capital of Pernambuco and is a good option to escape a little from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Its historic center is located on a green hill and can be known quietly in one day. I arrived at Praça do Carmo, where the bus I took in Recife left me, and knowing the surroundings, I was approached by a tour guide who offered to show me Olinda for a small fee. I accepted and we started the journey up a beautiful street.

It is a delight for those who like me, like to wander around and take out the camera because it is full of photogenic places: streets, buildings, the sea ... That is what I tried to do while I was there and here I present this modest photo-tour:

Photo: Do Carmo Church

It was founded in 1535 and was the first capital of Pernambuco. More than a century later he suffered the attack of the Dutch who practically destroyed their buildings by looting and burning the place and in the 18th century it was rebuilt.

Photo: Any corner of Olinda is good to take a picture

The buildings (there are many churches) are very well preserved and even those that are neglected or even abandoned, have their charm. Olinda also has many art galleries, artisan workshops, museums ... a very cultural and inspiring environment.

While you are going up, Recife and its modernity appear in the distance

Photo: Basilica and Monastery of Sâo Bento

Many people recommend visiting Olinda during the carnival, as this celebration lasts eleven days, takes the streets and is very open to everyone's participation.

These giant dolls or mamulengos are typical of the northeast region of Brazil and are an important part of the carnival

Antiquity vs. Modernity

Tiles abound in many walls of Olinda

As explained by the guide, the details of the roofs had to do with the social level of the owner of the house

The charm of abandonment

Art appears anywhere you look

A little Carnival!

The beautiful surroundings of the Church da Sé or Olinda Cathedral

Craft market in Praça da Sé

The little train that makes a tour of Olinda

Photos taken by me with a Sony Cyber Shot 7.2 mp digital camera