On this year's New Year's Day my son and I made a short, but beautiful hike to the "Jubiläumswarte" ("Jubilee Lookout Tower") in Droß in Lower Austria.
Our hike started at the "Gemeindeamt" (municipal office).
From there we went first in western direction. At the castle, the road turns left.
Opposite of the castle a smaller road branches off. That's the road we had to take.
After some hundred meters we saw this wood called "Aktion Lebensbaum". For every new born citizen of Dross, a new tree is planted in this wood.
Then we turned right into a even narrower road that is partly overgrassed.
After the driving ban shield we had to turn right again and then we were able to walk to the lookout tower straight ahead.
The lookout tower is built on a building that hosts an elevated water tank.
You have a nice view on Dross.
Here's a detail: On the left you can see the quite new pilgrimage church (built from 1949-193) and on the right you can see the castle.
On the other side you can see Göttweig Abbey in the background.
The total walking distance from the municipal office to the lookout tower and back is approximately 2.5 km and you'll need about 45 minutes for this hike. The height difference is only about 30 meters.
I think it is a really nice and easy hike and can recommend it also as nice hike for children. Taking this hike with a stroller that is equipped with pneumatic tires shouldn't be a problem either.
A detailled German story including more photos and a map is available on schmatz.blog!