Hello everone this is our friend @ridoykhan22

Today i am talking about my passion and photography



Everyone have some passion . some one passion of some Different types of works . some one have passion as biking some one gaming some one fishing some one have passion others as traveling . i also have some passion

My pasion

My passio is about traveling and photography . I like much travel and more then anything . as well every year i must go any where in our counrty to travel . its make my life . to see hills and river is one of the most important passion and my likely worke. To see different peoples life style and see beauty of nature is one of the most important woke in my life . i like to travel in hills and also like to see ta river . because we learn some thing from them .

Hills teach us to stan strongly when you got problem . if you got some problem in ur life then strongly stand there and face this problem.


River teach us to kind for every one . its teach us to halp people . to kind for everyone . Thats not Important how big you are. You have be kind and meat everyone as a friend.



** I love photograph more then anny thing . i am always ready with my phone to click some thing good whant i like most . some time is not good enough . bt some time is looks much good as i want . i just clik some photos i want to share with you. hope you like this .**



I am use samsung j 7 next mobile phone for photogapy . sometime i use macro lens for small objects .

About me
I am a simple person with big Heart.
I am from Bangladesh. i like to potography and also like to travel hills and forest.

You Can find me in





