We just finished visiting Fushimi Inari Shrine, to have experience walking under thousands of tori gates. We walked to Keihan Railway Fushimi-inari Station. We were heading to Higashiyama District. This place is so famous in Kyoto.

Higashiyama District is one of the best-preserved area in Kyoto. It’s located on eastern side of Kyoto. I am pretty curious about the look of this old district. We wanted to experience the street and local culture and also to see old Japanese buildings in this area. I wonder how vintage the buildings are.

When arriving in the district, we walked through a stone-paved path. It looked so beautiful around the path. There are many shady trees, a small river on our right side, some old houses with their garden.

The flowers were blooming in the Spring. The houses looked so vintage, there were only few people walking around the area.

We just kept walking, then I found a wooden building with orange fences. There writing on the woods of the fence. But honestly, I didn’t know what the meaning of the writing were.

Few minutes later, we entered another narrow path flanked on both sides by many old wooden buildings. Many of them are houses. For sure, the houses were built in traditional Japanese style. I was so amazed to be there. You know, it was my first time to visit this ancient place. Yeah, Higashiyama was founded in 1929. So old, isn’t?

We continued walking on the path until we found another narrower path, which is also flanked by old buildings.

Walking through the paths are so wonderful experience, as if we went to old Kyoto through time machine. We were walking by looking around, then we found an area with many restaurants, café and souvenirs shops.

We passed by the area, then we arrived on a wider path. The path is also stone-paved one. Many visitors are also walking on the path. I love so much this place. It made me so happy. I wish I could come back here.

Another path that we were walking is a little bit narrower than the last one. We kept going, sometime I took pictures.

One of the object I like most is Japanese writing. I just took a shot for a writing – which I don’t its meaning at all.

We kept walking and walking, and finally we arrived at a street with the backdrop of Yasaka Pagoda. This pogada is famous in the district. I asked my friend’s hand to shot a picture for me. I stand on the street with backdrop of Yasaka Pagoda.

Some school students were walking on the street as well.

Then we turned back and walked to another way. On the way back we found a shoe shop made in Japan. And some cafes and restaurants as well.

I still have some more pictures around a shrine in Higashiyama district. I will wrap them up in the next story. Stay tuned and see you later. Thanks a lot for reading.

Warm regard,