There is a family park close to my hometown. It's called Sninské Rybníky and it's a popular spot for tourists from different countries. You can find there many interesting facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, a football field or various hiking routes in the surrounding forests.

In summer, you can swim in two natural lakes that change in ice skating fields in winter. A few days ago, we went to check out the bigger one of them. It hasn't been that cold yet, so we knew that we wouldn't be able to walk on the ice yet as it's too thin. We were surprised to see that the whole lake was frozen already.


The lake is not very big, and it takes up to 15 minutes to walk around it. We went with a dog, so it took us much longer as it was sniffing on every single tree.

There are several benches around the lake and places where you can put your towel when you go swimming. You can also set a barbecue here as there is a public fireplace in the area.


I haven't swim in this lake for several years as they started to grow carps here and I find it uncomfortable to swim when so many fish touch you.

I remember swimming to that small island in the middle of the lake many years ago. There were not many kids who dared to swim over there, so I was feeling like a cool kids 😊


Nature here is truly pretty. You can sit down and enjoy strong birch trees and pine trees around you. It's not that comfortable for your feet in summer when you walk barefoot though, but on the other hand you get a lot of shade during the hot days.


There is a maintained path around the lake. It's a nice walk and I was surprised that there was nobody else there...


My husband and Maxo walked ahead of me as they were playing with a small snow ball and running around. Yes, you can make a snow ball out of this little snow.


It is so peaceful..


I like promoting Steemit a little bit 😊


It was like I was there alone. My husband was walking through the woods with the dog and I was the only one on the path.


It's a pity that we're leaving back to Switzerland in a couple of days. I would love to wait for the ice to get thick, so that I could walk to that island in the middle.


Some places remind me of the woods in the Nordic countries. It must be those birch trees.


And here are those two. They had a great time! Maxo was shivering when we got back to the car as we were outside for almost two hours.



It's all green and alive in summer. I can't even say how many time we had a picnic here.


And the last glimpse of the lake before going to the forest...


There is a small creek in the forest. The water is crystal clear and if there wouldn't be that many animals in the area I would probably even try to drink it 😊 Maxo had a lot of fun cooling down here in summer.


We didn't find any trails, so simply walked through the forest.


Somehow, we got back to the road and realized that we were close to the place where my mom celebrated her 50th birthday a few years ago. Can you see that fence? It belongs to that property where we had the birthday party.


But we went deeper to the forest. At that time, we didn't know that the boars in the area are infected with a virus that kills dogs. There is no medicine for this virus, and therefore all infected dogs die. We are lucky that Maxo is healthy and will not go back to the area until this problem is resolved.


We walked to the end of this path and then turned around as I started to get a bit cold..


Yes, Maxo was here!


I like this photo very much. It's colorful and has a large variety of different plants and trees.


Let's go back...


Can you see the chimney in the back? This is where my hometown is...


Now, we have to cross the field and then we will be back in the car...


When we finally got there I was very cold and couldn't be happier to go home. We spent the rest of the day inside watching TV and relaxing.

I hope that you will do something active today too!

Thank you for visiting!
