Namaste 🙏

Have you ever been in a place where you feel like you’re in a dream?

Have you ever felt the sensation of breathing the best possible air you can possibly breathe in this world?

Have you ever been to a place where you feel present and let go of all your worries?

If not, you should definitely consider coming to this beautiful trail Enroute Patalsu Peak trek!!!


After crossing the forest above Solang village, we entered this beautiful area above the forest with completely different kind of vegetation. Now we were seeing more of Oak and Chestnut trees rather than Spruce and Deodar trees with forest bed completely covered by bushes.


A beautiful oak family tree


The small bushes that covered the forest bed made the forest look greener and denser. It added a mysterious vibe to the forest that make us more dreamy.


Forest bed fully covered by bushes

It was quite difficult to navigate through these bushes as one can easily lose sense of direction here but we focused on keeping Solang village in our backdrop to keep moving in the right direction.


Making our way through the thick dense bushes

The sun was slowly rising and adding to the mystic vibe of the forest. We were able to see a thousand shades of green colour here.


Diffrent shades of green color could be seen

We were strolling through the bushes but they kept on getting thicker and longer we th each step. We were at about 3300 m of elevation and seeing such lush green forest was wonderful at such elevation. I’ve travelled a lot and hiked a lot of mountains they all had some kind of bushes at a certain elevation but I had never seen such a wonderful place in my entire life before.


It doesn’t look like as the bushes grew naturally. It seemed that someone had manually planted them to perfection. That’s how perfect they looked to me.


The whole vibe of this place was getting better and better with each step. The cool air with freshness of the fragrance from those bushes and a little hint of sunshine on the top!!! It was indeed a place of dreams.


It looked like we were walking through the tea plantations of Assam or Darjelling. Let me know in the comments below if you guys feel the same.


Bushes made it look like we’re in middle of tea plantations


It was quite a huge bushy area. We were walking through it for past 30-40 minutes but it wasn’t passing soon.


I knew that after gaining a little elevation, the plants would soon banish as we would have entered the Non Tropical Zone. Therefore we kept on walking through it until we saw a major clearing in the trail.


At first we thought we reached Shagadung which is the campsite after crossing the forest but to our surprise, there was still a little forest left to cross afterwards this crossing too.


A major clearing in the trail


This part of the forest was full of medium sized bushes with no trees. It looked lush green.


It looked like a place out of a fairy tale. The place where fairies can live. I felt like I was dreaming. I wanted to dance and play there like a little kid. Everything looked so perfect!


We stopped and looked at all the directions to get a sense of where we were. The first direction we saw was upwards which showed us the blue sky with sun lightly shining over us.


To our left, we could see the ridge below the Patalsu Peak. I realised that we needed to climb higher than that ridge to reach to the summit as I had seen the picture of that ridge far below the summit on social media before.


Ridge below the summit

Towards our back, there was mighty Dhauladhar range and Mt. Hanuman Tibba that looked clearer than ever.


View of Dhauladhar Range and Hanuman Tibba

Towards our right, we saw a picture perfect views of the mountain we were climbing. The big mountains in the background with lush green grass on the slopes looking tranquil. We looked tiny when we stood there to capture our photos with the scenery!!!


We took a break there for a while before continuing our journey. Bushes were finally over but we had other amazing things on our way ahead that I will show in next blogs.

That’s all for today!!!

Thanks for passing by.

Peace ☮️
