Hey Hive and Travelfeed Friends, 

everyone who reads my stories regularly knows that I'm in Sosua -Dominican Republic right now. We wanted to take a little trip to the next bigger city, Puerto Plata. The city is about 25km away, so we want to drive by bus. Unfortunately, we caught the day when the bridge between Sosua and Puerto Plata was broken, but we don't know it before. 😑 So we had to drive from one bus that drove to the bridge and wait for another bus behind the bridge, yeah!

We drove with these small collectivos, you can go in from the street
We drove with these small collectivos, you can go in from the street
the bridge was monitored by the army to ensure that not too many people crossed it👍🏻
the bridge was monitored by the army to ensure that not too many people crossed it👍🏻

We finally arrived in Puerto Plata after 1 hour and 2 bus rides. Someone who also drove the bus chatted us up and gave us a kind of guided tour. You knew right away that he was just out for our money.🙄But we were able to get rid of him pretty quickly. The market square was very nice. The houses were built in colonial style, with a beautiful church in the middle,  St.phillip the Apostle Cathedral.

nice colorful houses...
nice colorful houses...

We looked at downtown Puerto Plata, but were quite surprised that it was so deserted, little business, few people on the streets. We were a little enlightened from downtown Puerto Plata, it seemed somehow deserted and dead .

Church on the marketplace
Church on the marketplace
Really good ice cream shop
Really good ice cream shop
View of the mountain Pico Isabel de Torres
View of the mountain Pico Isabel de Torres

We walked a bit through the streets and suddenly found a nice colorful street called "umbrella street". We drank a beer in a sweet shop and thought about what we could do here since the city center didn't offer much!


  The whole street decorated with colorful umbrellas, colorful flowers and colorful works of art on the walls

made from bottle caps
made from bottle caps
What can we do now ?
What can we do now ?

We decided to take the cable car up to the top of the "Isabell de Torres" mountain, although we could see that the visibility wasn't the best that day as there were a few clouds hanging over the mountain. But everything else was too far away, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Up to the sky !
Up to the sky !
Jiiiiiihaaa !
Jiiiiiihaaa !

The view was super nice, looking over the city to the sea and over the jungle.

Puerto Plata
Puerto Plata

The mountain peak is about 793m high.


Until we were at about 500 meters, from then on you couldn't see anything anymore, just a grey, foggy wall of clouds.

mini Christo
mini Christo

Unfortunately, the Christo statue imitated from Rio de Janeiro was hardly recognizable between all these clouds. We didn't see any of the beautiful views that one usually has from up there. But at least it was nice and cool up there, a good change from the daily heat.

a park on top of the mountain
a park on top of the mountain

There was also a small jungle up there...the only problem was that a guide told us that the entire facility was now closing and that we should please drive down. We were up there for half an hour and have next to nothing; Of course nobody told us downstairs that it would close again in 45 minutes! That was a bit annoying, first saw nothing about the clouds and then had no time up there! gone stupid ;(


To top it all off, it started raining when we were down there! It has never rained during the day since we are in the Dominican Republic, about 2 months! But on the day we were out and about without scooters, it rained cats and dogs.


We tried to get an uber but every driver canceled or better yet never came! Of course, our mood dropped, we tried to get away with the bus, but nobody stopped there and of course, we didn't want to be through the pouring rain either! So we stood under one roof at a workshop for about 40 minutes!


After it stopped raining, we were rewarded with a rainbow, We walked down the street and found a bus stop, we asked people if the bus goes to the bridge and Sosua. Finally we had to take 2 different buses until we got to the bridge were.


The last drive to our city was particularly funny, we squeezed into a car to 7. I sat half on my friend half squeezed against the door in the car, my legs fell asleep too at some point. We were able to watch a thunderstorm from the car, which was now also brewing. For the way back we needed 1.5-2 hours.


All in all a pretty weird day in Puerto Plata, I still liked it, my boyfriend not so much, he was really annoyed in between 😄💗

An adventurous journey where you can need 1.5 hours for 25 km. Well, next time we'd rather go back with our scooter.

thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed it🤗

until next time
