I had a couple of hours to kill the other weekend. @consciouscat was working at a conference at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. I dropped her at the door then went to park the car just out of town to save on parking. I was thinking of doing a big run but my fitness is not quite there yet so I was happy for a good long walk.
I had a couple of hours to kill the other weekend. @consciouscat was working at a conference at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. I dropped her at the door then went to park the car just out of town to save on parking. I was thinking of doing a big run but my fitness is not quite there yet so I was happy for a good long walk. 

I check out a bit of town and the new bridge, we do not get into the city centre much so it is always look to have a bit of a look around at all the progress and changes. But what I had in the back of my mind was a place I had been hearing of for a while now but had never visited in the 30 odd years I have lived in this part of the world.

Fish Lane in South Bank has now got a bit of a trendy name. I had done a few jobs in the area when I was young, there was more Industry around and just a lot of narrow lane ways. This area has changed at lot recently I supposed it all started when World Expo in 1988 redeveloped all the water front along the river. The lane was named after George Fish, who owned the Fish Steam Laundry on the site in the 1940s but is now full of restaurants, cafes, high rise building and even a bar underneath the overhead train South Brisbane trainlines.

I loved all the art work and it is way cleaner than the old days. They could have modeled this sculpture off me walking to work with all my tools all those years ago.
I loved all the art work and it is way cleaner than the old days. They could have modeled this sculpture off me walking to work with all my tools all those years ago.
but I never had a full beard like
but I never had a full beard like
They have done well to reintroduce a bit of greenery and keep that South East Queensland tropical feel.
They have done well to reintroduce a bit of greenery and keep that South East Queensland tropical feel.