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stone tablet history
stone tablet history

It's a good thing that you will know where is the park of a certain place. What if you don't have something to do because it's sunday or you just want to stay in place where good nature surround. Not to forget seeing many people enjoying is much fun.

Before I'll start on showing what is this Plaza Independencia, which is very obvious what kind of place is this. Yes, plaza or park they are just the same in my own understanding. By the way the making of this plaza has it's own history. You can read it in the image what is the history of the place. I'll just let you to enjoy reading in the image because it's visible.


At the entrance there will be vendors selling foods and water. You can't find inside because they're not allowed. They're selling different kinds of food and drinks by the way. There are fruits, biscuits or cookies and even cigarettes but you can only do smoking outside.

Miguel Lopes de Legaspi (statue)
Miguel Lopes de Legaspi (statue)

This statue was in the history about the first Spanish Governor-General in the Philippines. This statue was located at the center of the plaza but visible in the national road. I'm not sure how tall this statue but I think it's 12 m. Many people love to stay here sitting because of many trees that will shelter them. Also from watching the image you could tell that many people love to stay and also lot of tree's surround it. Also that's why there will be a park so that people will stay when they feel like bores in their houses.

left side of the park
left side of the park

You can see this memory lane just by entering the park. This is the best part of the park because of different attractions here. Just for example, sits. gardens, and fountain. Now let me show you why you need to visit this side of the park.


You cannot enter in this part, this place is for your eyes only. There was a sign put here "keep off the grass."


These benches can be found in the walking area. When I said you can't enter into that part where flowers are placing in a vase. This part of the bench where you can watch it. It's nice if you will sit here with someone together like you'll have a date. You will love to stay since this area is not reachable by sunlight. AS you can see at the back, there are grasses and tree's.

Now, let me show you first where you can stay to enjoy the place. Sitting here for how many hours because it's surrounded with many tree's. You can see lot of flowers next but this time it's allowed for you to stay here.


yellow flowers
yellow flowers

I don't it's name so I just named like it's color. By the way y there's a bench for couple there.


This part also is restricted, you cannot enter here.

that's sun flower at the back
that's sun flower at the back

captured at the back
captured at the back

Now let's go in the right side of the park or in the other side. This park is so wide that many people can stay here and practice their dancing.

random image inside
random image inside

It's wide right? But that's not what I was referring to. This one image next that can be found in the centre of the park.

centre of the park
centre of the park

It's so wide that I can only capture image being far to get a wide capture. Still, the camera of my phone doesn't have the quality do that. But you can still see how wide this park is. Here's another one..

part of the centre
part of the centre

side of the centre
side of the centre

In every side of the park you can see many people doing practice. Some of them were having zumba.

veterans garden
veterans garden

veterans garden
veterans garden

It's a garden near in the monument of that veterans trademark.

veterans monument
veterans monument

This was built as an appreciation for those who fought during world war. This is very tall and big.

In every attraction it's to have a comfort room if someone wants to piss. Now I will bring you at the right side of the park that is edge of the place. But before that I think it's nice to show the hall way in going there.


Before we reach the comfort room I saw an art. It was made of a plant together with the popular transportation from the old time, **"kalisa." ** Kalisa is a tagalog word or Filipino word where the horse will be the one to pull the passenger riding in wood carrier.

plant kalisa
plant kalisa

The horse like was made by a plant. Now here's the comfort room in tbis park and I think it's a bad idea to capture the place. That's why I just captured the entrance of it.

comfort room
comfort room

I think I showed the beauty of this park. Why I was here by the way? of course just to share to you all beautiful place in the Philippines. I also want to participate it in the #sublimesunday and #beautifulsunday. I did my best to earn while I'm still searching for a job. By the way I put the specific location of tbis place through travelfeed app. I hope you'll enjoy..

thank you for reading

images are mine

huawei p8

d' dreamboy,
