Visiting in a well managed place or tourist spot is indeed nice. The experience you'll have after seeing pretty establishment, nice views because the people improved it to make it beautiful. But we all know that going in a improved tourist spot will also have need's quite amount of money. For example, that place was gifted with awesome views and water. Then the people renovated it to make the views more beautiful. But sometimes we need some refreshing views, free from the crowd and the environment is untouched.

When I said free from renovation and free from the crowd. Of course I was referring to a place that is not discovered yet by many people. No building was built, it's complete nature. It was made because the nature provide us with awesome beauty.

As you can see the water is so clear but not that clean. We're walking heading to edge of this river.

Expected on place that is untouched by the people. You can't be sure of it that is clean, but we can't say it's dirty because it's just leaves, algae or plants. Yeah, that green one. I don't think the green one is dirty since it was there because of the water. It's like a food for the fish and maybe it's the reason why the water was so clean.

See the water, it's very clear that you can see what's under of it. If you want to know how clear it was, have another look.

The lake was sorounded by mountain but not that far from the national road. There's no entrance fee in this place and no store was around also. This place was only visited by the locals people but not all of them know this place. The water wasn't cold like in a cold spring maybe because it's a running water.

Although you can find lot of leaves, plants from the side of the river. As what I said this place wasn't promoted as a tourist spot. Therefore no one is taking care of this place. Why will the people take good care of it if they don't earn from here.
By the way at the middle part is deep but not too deep. Maybe approximately of 7ft from below under.

Maybe visiting this kind of place is not that bad. Just for chilling and enjoying the view of nature like this.

It's nice right, view from the mountain while swimming into this river. How about images of us together but taken by my friend.

By the way if you want to see more you can find it on my Facebook account uploaded by my friend. is my account.
Have another look of the river with a rope in the tree to jump in the river.

Now, I'm going to leave you with information how to be in this place.

The name of this brgy.(small village) is Mabini, part of our town Macrohon and also part of the province of Southern Leyte. The road to be there is the same road when you want to go inside the brgy. If you're riding a motorcycle you can arrive here with just 5 minutes. Don't worry the road is 3/4 of it was concreted. Maybe small part in going there is not but the road is not inclined, it's flat and not muddy.
No entrance fee but of course no store and no electricy around. Just for swimming but you can bring anything, you're allowed to drink here. The flow of water is not strong so it's fine to swim anf also it's not that deep.
Just to be clear, this is not renovated place so don't expect it to be so clean and wonderful establishment. I was only talking how the water so lovely and the place that was sorounded by awesome nature.
Okay I'll leave some beautiful view of tbe water with the mountain.

thank you for reading, just ask at the comment below if you want to know something.

all images are mine except for those two with friends.
huawei p8

d' dreamboy,