Edzná Ruins, Campeche, Mexico
Edzná Ruins, Campeche, Mexico 

 Edzná Ruins, Mayan Ruins in Campeche 🇲🇽

Let's go to Edzná!

Edzná Ruins 👉 https://www.locogringo.com/things-to-do/mayan-ruins/edzn%C3%A1-ruins-campeche

Two volunteers from WORK AWAY  , my friend and I went to Edzná, which was built during the Mayan civilization. The entire Yucatan Peninsula was once a prosperous region for the Mayan civilization, and ruins of the Mayan civilization remain in many places. In addition, a Mayan railroad is now being constructed from Cancun, a famous tourist destination, to the western Yucatan region, and through its construction, new ruins are being discovered. This Edzná flourished between 400 and 1000 years, and in its heyday, as many as 25,000 people were interacting with Maya cities in various regions.

WORK AWAYから来ていただいたボランティアの2人と皆でEdznáと言うマヤ文明時代に建設されたEdznáへ行きました。Edznáへはカンペチェ市内から車で1時間程度で行くことが出来ます。ユカタン半島全体はかつてマヤ文明が繁栄した地域で、各地にマヤ文明の遺跡が残っています。また、今、観光地で有名なカンクンから西ユカタン地域へ向けてマヤ鉄道が建設されています、そしてその建設を通して新たな遺跡も発見されているようです。このEdznáは400年から1000年の間に繁栄し、全盛期は25000人もの人が各地のマヤ都市と交流していたようです。

The Edzná ruins were inaccessible and there were relatively few tourists, so there was still no overtourism and we were able to tour the ruins at our leisure. When we arrived at the ruins, we first purchased tickets. My friend already had Mexican citizenship and was charged the price of a local citizen, while the other three, including myself, paid more as foreigners. When we entered the ruins, we were surprised at the vastness of the site. The first thing that caught my eye was the playing field. The first thing that comes into view is the competition square, which is a sport similar to soccer nowadays, and the spectator seats.


Mayan Ballgame

It was a really nice day and the sun was extremely strong, so if you go to Edzná for sightseeing, I recommend that you bring a water bottle and sun protection. Many Mayan ruins are plagued by over-tourism, and although it used to be possible to actually go to the ruins and climb them, such tourist activities are no longer allowed due to conservation concerns, As a history fan, I was very impressed to be able to experience firsthand the ruins that are more than 1,000 years old. I toured this magnificent athletic facility, where many people must have watched the competitions and some sort of ceremony must have taken place.

この日は本当に天気のよい日で、日差しがものすごく強い日でした。Edznáへ観光に行く際は、水筒と日よけの防止を持っていくことをおすすめします。多くのマヤ遺跡はオーバーツアリズムの悩まされているようで、Chichen Itza 等はかつては実際に遺跡には行って登ることも出来たようですが、遺跡の保護の視点から、そのような観光方法は禁止されているようです。Edznáでは実際に遺跡に触れ合うことが出来て、1000年以上前の遺跡を肌で感じる事が出来て、歴史好きの私としては感動しました。この壮大な競技施設で、多くの人が競技を観戦し、ある種の儀式が行われたんだろうなと思って見学しました。

Now, we actually entered the ruins and climbed up. The ruins were well maintained and reinforced so that many tourists could visit. I became more and more interested in the Mayan civilization when I actually entered the ruins and imagined how people lived in these ruins in those days.


Looking at Edzná from the front, one is overwhelmed by the scale of the ruins. The piles of stones looking up at us impressed us with how people in the year 1600 had piled them up and the wealth of knowledge of civilization in constructing such a balanced ceremonial facility.


It was a great experience for me and my friends to spend a day touring the ruins. There were places where we could take a rest under the shade of a tree, and we were very satisfied to be able to take our time while taking a short break in the shade of the trees.


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🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦
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🌬1) Prosperity - 利
🌬2) Decline - 衰 
🌬3) Disgrace - 毀
🌬4) Honor - 誉
🌬5) Praise - 称
🌬6) Censure - 譏
🌬7) Suffering - 苦
🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

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