The Day of the Dead in Campeche, Mexico 🇲🇽

By chance, I happened to be in Mexico during the famous Mexican holiday of "Day of the Dead," and a friend and his wife took me to see a Day of the Dead event in the city of Campeche. The Day of the Dead is called "el Día de Muertos or el Día de los Muertos" in Spanish, and "is intended to remember and appreciate the dead and share the joy of life, especially in Mexico. This tradition is one of the most important customs in Mexico and is celebrated every year on November 1 and 2. This day is considered a particularly important holiday in Mexico, and the whole country is enveloped in a festive atmosphere.

偶然ではあったのですが、メキシコで有名な祝日である「死者の日」の時期にメキシコに滞在することになったわたしですが、友人夫妻に連れられてカンペチェ市内で行われた「死者の日」のイベントを見に行くことになりました。「死者の日」はスペイン語では、「el Día de Muertos or el Día de los Muertos」と呼ばれていて、『 特にメキシコにおいて、死者を偲びそして感謝し、生きる喜びを分かち合うことを目的としている。この伝統は、メキシコにおいて最も重要な風習の一つであり、毎年11月1日と2日に祝われる。   』 - Wikipedia ( ) このようにこの日はメキシコでは特に重要な祝日としてされていて、メキシコ全土がお祭りの雰囲気に包まれます。

The Day of the Dead seems to be a holiday for family and friends to gather together to remember and talk about the deceased, so we decided to go to Campeche City with our friends, their daughters, and their in-laws to celebrate the holiday with them. The festival is celebrated on November 1, the Catholic Holiday of All Saints, and the following day on November 2. It seems that this was a traditional Latin American festival that existed before Christianity was introduced to Mexico, but after the spread of Christianity, the feast was influenced by Catholicism and is celebrated in conjunction with "All Saints' Day. We can see how Christianity has developed in accordance with the locality in the process of spreading throughout the world.

The city center is filled with the scent of marigolds, and stalls line the parks and in front of churches in the city. When I asked my friend's wife why people decorate marigolds, she told me that it is important to display marigolds because the souls of the dead come from the world of the dead tonight, relying on the color and smell of marigolds. The offerings change from chocolate and other sweets to mezcal and other alcoholic beverages, like Oaxaca's mezcal. I felt a great sense of affinity when I found similarities between Japan and Mexico. Before Christianity spread throughout the world, people all over the world must have shown respect to their ancestors with the same kind of religious beliefs. (After the spread of Christianity, ancestor worship is considered heresy, and the doctrine is to show gratitude to God.)

The Day of the Dead is celebrated in a joyful and cheerful manner. The motif is not fear of death, but rather joy and laughter with the dead.

The cemetery is also decorated with fancy decorations, and bands play music at night. When I went to see the festival in Campeche, there were people dancing and celebrating, and the whole town had an atmosphere of welcoming and celebrating the dead, creating a very cheerful atmosphere.

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「死者の日」はあくまで楽しく明るく祝うのが特徴です。死を恐怖するのではなく、逆に死者とともに楽しく笑うというモチーフとなっています。 墓地にも派手な装飾が施され、夜間にはバンドによる演奏なども行われていました。わたしがカンペチェ市内にお祭りを見に行った際、ダンスをしてお祝いする人もいて死者をお祝いしながら迎えると言った雰囲気が町中にあり、とても明るい雰囲気が漂っていました。

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Ofrenda - Alters


The altar (Ofrenda) is decorated with food, drink, flowers, candles, and various other items. The altar (Ofrenda) is placed not only in the center of the residence or at the entrance of house but also in places where people can see it, such as parks or stairways in the center of town. People spend a year preparing the altar, and the cemetery is carefully cleaned and decorated as the time of year approaches. The altar should be decorated with the following items I explained below. The altar at my friend's parents-in-law's house was beautifully decorated. It was decorated with photos of the deceased and looked a little like a Japanese Buddhist altar. 


November is a time to celebrate the harvest, when crops are plentiful and the Mexican cempasuchil (MaryGold) flower is in bloom. With its fragrance and colorful blossoms, it is believed to be a beacon for the souls of the dead to guide them back to this world. The city center is filled with the fragrance of marigold and the parks are lined with stalls. When we went to see the Day of the Dead altar in Campeche, people were handing out marigold (Cempasuchil) flowers to tourists all over town. The whole town was preparing to welcome the souls of the dead.


MaryGold - Cempasuchil
MaryGold - Cempasuchil

Papel Picado

Papel picado (colorful decorative paper cutouts) Representing the joy of celebrating the Day of the Dead and the wind that rolls up the paper.

パペルピカド(カラフルな飾り切り紙) 死者の日を祝う喜びと、紙を巻き上げるを表している。

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La Calavera Catrina - Skull 

La Calavera (skull) Decorations resembling "calavera/skulls" are placed throughout the altar, often made of colored and decorated sugar candy. The calavera is a representation of death, reminding the living of the spirit of "Memento Mori."

カラベリタ(どくろ) カラベラを模した飾りは祭壇のいたるところに置かれ、多くは着色や装飾された砂糖菓子が使われる。カラベラは表象であり、「メメント・モリ」の精神を生きる者に思い出させる。

Candlelight - the symbol of belief and hope

Candles The light of a candle signifies "light," faith, and hope, as well as illuminating the path to and from the souls of the dead.

ロウソク ロウソクの灯は「」、信仰そして希望を意味するとともに、死者のの行き帰りの道を照らす役割を果たす。

Water - Agua

Water It is believed that the water poured into the glasses is to quench the thirst of the dead who have returned to this world after a long journey.


Salt and incent

Salt and incense are believed to purify the place so that the souls of the dead can return safely.

お香 死者のが安全に戻ってこられるよう場を浄化する、と考えられている。

Bread for the Day of the Dead

The bread of the Day of the Dead represents the spirit of hospitality and the bounty of the earth. The shape of the bread also imitates the skulls and bones of the dead.


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Offerings at the alters 

Food and drink Offerings of food and drink that the deceased loved during their lifetime to welcome the returning souls. It is also believed that the souls of the dead enjoy the smell of the food and drink and share the joy of being reunited with the living. Alcohol is sometimes offered, which is said to bring back pleasant memories of the deceased's life.

飲食物 故人が生前好きだった食べ物飲み物を供え、戻ってきたを歓迎する。また、死者のはその匂いのみを楽しみ、そして生きる人々と再会できる喜びを共有すると考えられている。アルコールを供えることもあり、これは死者の生前の楽しい記憶を思い起こさせるといわれている。

Before the spread of Christianity, there was a custom in Mexico to remove the skulls from the graves of the dead and cleanse and polish them during this period in order to quiet the souls of the dead. There was an altar that reproduced such an old Mayan custom. Many altars were on display, and visitors were able to vote on which altar had the best explanation and decoration, making it an interesting and fun event for tourists. There were also traditional altars, and I learned a lot about traditional culture. (I would like to learn Spanish.)


It gets better when the sun goes down...

On the Day of the Dead, people gather from all over town to watch the altar from the time the sun sets. I was a little surprised at the sudden increase in the number of people, but I felt that the festival had just begun. The Cathedral of Campeche stands in the center of the city, and it was beautifully lit up. The candles on the beautifully decorated altar were lit, and the marigold flowers that were displayed with them floated fantastically, making me feel that the souls of the dead must have come to this world to see the light.


As I was admiring the beautiful atmosphere of the town, some people were handing out marigold flowers, and I received one as well. I was also given a marigold flower, which was a memory I will cherish for a lifetime.


After that, we decided to do a little sightseeing in Campeche. The city was really bustling with people from all over the world who had come to observe the Day of the Dead events. I was really happy to have such a precious experience at this time of the year. I was so thrilled to be able to actually experience this Day of the Dead event that I had seen on "National Geographic" as a child. 😆😆😆😆👏👏👏.


We experience many things in life, but it is not often that we say, "I will remember this memory for the rest of my life!" I am sure I will remember this for the rest of my life! As we get older, it is especially difficult to make such memories. When I was a child, every day was like an adventure, a series of "never-before-experienced" days. Then, as we got older, the feeling of "I've seen this before in my life." As we get older, we may not be able to honestly say, "I'm so moved!" I don't want to get old (I don't want to get older "mentally if I state it more correctly", but I guess that's just human nature. This trip to Mexico brought back to me the feelings of "I was so moved!" I was so moved by the experience that I had almost forgotten it. It became a memory for the rest of my life!!


🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦

🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

🥦See you again!🥦


🥦 🥦

💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨

🌬1) Prosperity - 利

🌬2) Decline - 衰

🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

🌬4) Honor - 誉

🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - 苦

🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

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