Stockholm - Amsterdam - Mexico City - Merida
When I was a student, I had time but no money. When I started working, I had money but no time. I am sure I am not the only one who has put off going to places or meeting people that I had always wanted to go or meet, using lack of money and time as excuses. There were places I wanted to go when I saved up the money, and there was a friend and his wife and their daughters I wanted to visit when I had more time.
One of those places was Mexico. While the Corona pandemic and airline restrictions were being imposed all over the world, I received a call from a friend of mine that he had gotten married. They invited me and my sambo to come to their wedding, but as expected, we could not go to Mexico because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and since then we had always wanted to go to Mexico someday when the pandemic was over and I could travel freely again.
I decided to go to Mexico because I was sure that I would not be able to take another long vacation shortly. Mexico (Campeche, where my friend lives) is about 18 hours from Stockholm, including connections. It would also take about 20 hours from Osaka, including connections. It would cost a lot of money and I wanted to stay there for a while anyway, so I told my friend about it and he readily agreed to let me stay. (I am really grateful to my friend's wife! Thank you so much!)
From Stockholm to Mérida, Mexico, we will go through Amsterdam and Mexico City. I think I am used to going abroad, but I haven't been to South America since I was a student, so I was excited to start my international trip.
Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol) is a hub airport for Europe, and people from all over Europe and the world make connections here, giving the airport a very global feel. I thought the tulip decorations made of wax were very Dutch. I decided to buy them as souvenirs on my return flight. Since I had time to make a connection at Schiphol Airport, I took my time to rest in the lounge. I knew that the all-you-can-drink beer would be great.
Airport Lounge at Amsterdam Schiphol, Aspire
Heineken was sold everywhere I went, and I relaxed as I watched people passing by, thinking that this brand is truly a world brand. I didn't see any Japanese people at all, and I didn't hear a single Japanese word in the airport, probably because it was off-season. I was the only East Asian around, and I continued my trip thinking that it would be nice to travel alone for the first time in a while.
The transfer from Schiphol to New Mexico Airport went smoothly, and I was able to change planes without any problems. English was spoken at Schiphol, and the signs in the airport were easy to understand, so even if I did not speak Dutch, I was able to get to the exit without any problems.
At last, I have arrived at Mexico!! Almost there to visit Campeche!
I arrived at the New Mexico airport early in the morning, and the airport was empty when I arrived. I had heard that credit cards are not accepted in some places in Mexico, so I decided to exchange money for Mexican pesos and have some bread for breakfast. I was prepared for this, but I found it difficult to communicate in English. I thought that since I could not speak Spanish at all, my body language would be the only thing I could rely on during my time in Mexico, so I immediately searched for an app to download a Mexican dictionary to my phone. But there was no free Wi-Fi at the airport, and I immediately found myself in a state of "Lost in Translation."
It is really inconvenient to not be able to speak the language, but Mexicans were very kind and used body language to communicate with me when they knew I could not speak Spanish.
ニューメキシコ空港には早朝に着き、着いたときは空港はがらーんとしていました。メキシコではクレジットカードが使えないところがあると言うことも聞いていたので、先ずはメキシコペソに両替して朝食にパンを食べることにしました。メキシコについて覚悟はしていたのですが、英語がなかなか通じません。スペイン語がまったくできないわたしにとって、これからメキシコで過ごす時間はボディーランゲージのみが頼みと考え、早速、携帯にメキシコ辞書をダウンロードしようとアプリを探すと。。。空港には無料WiFiがなく、まさにLost in Translation状態に早速陥りました。
Passport control was not strict at all, and after informing them of the length of my stay and the reason for my stay, I was able to pass through without any problems. Thankfully, my Japanese passport allows me to stay in Mexico for 180 days without a visa. I was very thankful for this, as I thought it was a sign of friendship between Japan and Mexico. Gracias, Mexico!!
There was no point in worrying, so I decided to wait with a beer while looking at the bulletin board for information on the next boarding gate to change planes. The announcements were almost exclusively in Spanish, with occasional English. At any rate, I trusted the information on the bulletin board and decided to wait.
The boarding gate that was supposed to be displayed on the board did not show up. I was getting a little anxious and wondered when it would be displayed. I was also not able to understand Spanish at all, so I might not have understood the information even if it was there.
It doesn't show up.... Darn, what's going on! I should have learned some Spanish when I was in college! LOL!!
There have been many things. Really, a lot of things happened, but I'll cut it here.
At last, Yucatan!! I made it!! Yay!!
When I boarded the plane to Mérida, I was truly relieved. And when I saw the word "Merida" on the monitor, I could tell that the fatigue of the 17-hour trip had been replaced by relief. And when we arrived at the Mérida airport, I was really, really relieved. I had finally arrived!
My friend and his wife and daughters were waiting for me at the entrance of the airport. Oh, thank you thank you, and thank you all!!
Let's go to Campeche!
Thankfully, they drove two hours from Campeche City to pick me up at the airport. I really appreciate it. It was a really good start to my trip to see my friends again after a long time, and also to meet their daughters. What adorable kids 😇
The sun in Mexico was really shining and the sunlight was dazzling!
Coming from Sweden, I was really happy to see the Mexican sun. The weather in Sweden in October is less and less nice and the temperature is dropping rapidly. In contrast, the temperature in Mexico in the Yucatan is really warm, around 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and it is even hot during the day!
Still, I was hungry for the word "hot! I missed the feeling of the sun warming my skin. The side streets were lined with palm trees, which you don't see in Sweden, and tropical trees, which you don't see in Japan, so I could really feel that I was in Mexico! I could really feel that I was in Mexico.
When I arrived at my friend's house, his mother-in-law was waiting for us with food. It was a soup with meatballs, and I felt it was similar to Japanese cuisine in that it was served with rice. After eating the meal with beer, my hunger was satisfied and I began to feel sleepy from a sense of relief and peace of mind. My nervousness finally began to lift, and due to the time difference, I was able to sleep well that day.
Campeche! Parade for the Day of the Dead!
The day after we arrived was the day of "The Day of the Dead" parade in the city of Campeche, and my friend's daughters dressed up and joined the parade. I will write a blog about that later.
到着した次の日は、「死者の日(The Day of the Dead)」のパレードがカンペチェ市内で行われる日で、友人の娘さんたちはドレスアップしてパレードに参加しました。 そのブログはまた後程。
🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦
💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨
🌬1) Prosperity - 利
🌬2) Decline - 衰
🌬3) Disgrace - 毀
🌬4) Honor - 誉
🌬5) Praise - 称
🌬6) Censure - 譏
🌬7) Suffering - 苦
🌬8) Pleasure - 楽
by @doze 🍯🐝 🍯🐝