Hello friends, I couldn't posted travel blog last couple of days with my busy schedule. But today had free moment and I'd like to share beautiful and coolest travel experience where I stayed Nuwara-Eliya in Sri Lanka. Lot of foreign travelers knew already what about Nuwara Eliya. Such a coolest climate has there than other cities in Sri Lanka. I'm living very hot city nearest to coastal area. So Nuwara Eliya gave us various experience.

If someone come to Nuwara Eliya, he/she can visit such a beautiful places. Above board mentioned them with distances.

After viewing the important buildings, I could understand the importance of the city's past. Many private homes maintain their old English-style lawns and gardens.

We started to go inside of the village since town for explore beauty of the Nuwara Eliya. We could see very simple houses inside village.

>*The climate of Nuwara Eliya became the main sanctuary of British civil servants and Ceylon planters. Little England Nuwara Eliya is a retreat in a mountainous country, where British colonists enjoyed hunting, deer hunting, elephant hunting, polo, golf and cricket.*

We stopped our vehicle this location for catch beautiful landscaping view. Absolutely stunning. There are most awesome mountain range behind my camera eye. But that wasn't time for hike because our main purpose was only explore beauty of Nuwara Eliya.

There was some fogs. So this photo click not cleared. The winding 5 feet wide road runs up to the top of Mount Single Tree. It adds beauty to the environment. Tea pluckers can be seen as the mountain itself is covered with tea plantation.

While many local tourists are not visiting Nuwara Eliya, there has been no shortage of foreign tourists. You can see the Nuwara Eliya town on the other side by crossing the mountain top.

It's Devon falls. Devon Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka. Devon Falls is located along the Nuwara Eliya - Hatton road west of Talawakele in Nuwara Eliya District. I have learned from a history book that the name Devon is derived from the name of Devon, an English pioneer tea planter.

Then after we could see another beautiful water fall there. The van driver told us it was St. Clair's waterfall. I didn't know much about this waterfall. But I feel my coolest feeling with looking St. Clair's fall.

I have seen beautiful bunches of flowers. So I didn't forget to captured it. Smell not so nice. But flowers so cute.

Nuwara Eliya very famous to fresh vegetables. There was carrot cultivated. The carrot plants grows refresh and faster with cool climate.

We stayed night in Nuwara Eliya. Evening time we walked around the lake. I looked impressive scenery since nearest the lake. You can see biggest mountain in front of mine. I believe It's Piduruthalagala mountain. We got biggest fun moment staying Nuwara Eliya. Thanks for watching.