**Hello my steemit friends and followers,**

How are you guys? I believe you're in good healthy. Today I came back here with most tourist attractive location in Sri Lanka. I have been many times in Badulla town for my professional works previously. Badulla has so far distance to Capital of Sri Lanka. So I had chance to stayed some days there. I got chance perfectly. I asked where's the easiest way to look outstanding scenery since one location without walk around. The villagers said me *Bambaragala Pathana* was a most easiest way. Because even a vehicle can be reached to the top of the mountain easily.

It's a the way to go ahead. Sure me and my friend took a tuk tuk for climbed top of the hill. That was very easiest journey. We hadn't any tired. Surrounding area was so cool. Uva province absolutely very cold area in our country than other provinces. Rubber and another trees covered by both side of the road.

There was more mana plants. Anyway, we came to Namunukula road in Passara and got 14 Km. There is a junction with the left hand side. From there, turn left and proceed for about 2km. Great place to camp. Camping is easy for those who don't like to walk too much.

I could see beautiful panorama view since here. I give opportunity to feel that moment when I went to there. Bambaragala Pathana belongs to Passara Divisional Secretariat. A spectacular sightseeing spot. Now you realize that. The plains are a playground. Like the end of the world. Can also play. But be careful.

Woohooo. I focused my eyes another side. I could see white clouds goes behind us in front of side. I felt more happiness because I had caught that moment. Every mountains combined with each other mountain ranges. It doesn't climb alone. I knew it through my hike experience.

I zoomed my camera for show down side of the village visual and how mountain ranges connected with other hills. Hike adventures can't stop one location. It's continuous walk and ride journey if you like to attend it. After reach destination everybody be satisfy with looking awesome landscape like this. I know every hikers get massive experience via there adventure.

Bambaragala pathana exactly magical creation of the nature. We saw most adorable visuals since pathana. Stones and massive trees well protected top of the area. I could't see any garbage there. That's fabulous news for nature lovers. I hope every tourists give support for protect Bambaragala pathana. After stayed few minutes there we leaved from here. Thanks for visiting. See you again.