
In 2016, London hosted its first Lumiere, UK's largest light festival. This was just a few months before I was due to leave UK to Taiwan.

全英國最大的燈影展 Lumiere ,2016年初第一次在倫敦舉辦。 那時正是我決定離開英國到台灣前兩個月。


Normally I wouldn't go to these events on a bitterly cold winter evening. However, once you plan to leave a your home town for an indefinite period, your mentality changes and you try to do as many things as possible before you go, filling your memories with good and bad of the place till you return next time for a recharge.


Thirty installations were displayed across the city and I think I managed to see about half of them. First I headed to Mayfair. In Grosvenor Park was this installation called Brothers and Sisters a group of school children made from LED light ropes. Can you see their happy faces?

燈影展一共有30多個展品在倫敦市中心不同地點展出。這在Mayfair 的 Grosvenor Park裡,用 LED繩子做的一群學生,叫兄弟姊妹。


This is Oxford Circus, the junction of Oxford Street and Regent Street, and main shopping area in London. Here, an installation called 1.8 London was floating 180ft above the ground.



The installation is a massive net sculpture inspired by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011, the 4th most powerful earthquake in the world since modern day recording began. Did you know the strength of that earthquake was so powerful that it sped up the earth's rotation and shortened the day by 1.8 microseconds? Well, you do now, and that's why this is called 1.8 London. The shape of the sculpture is based on data sets of the tsunami wave lengths rippling across the Pacific Ocean during. I didn't know it at that time, but the change in colour and patterns on the sculpture was controlled by the public via an app on their smartphone. All this represents the interconnection between human and nature and the effect it has on one another.

展品靈感來自2011年日本的福島地震及海嘯。 當時地震的威力令到地球旋轉加速,當天的時間少了1.8微秒,因而得名。 展品的形狀是海嘯時太平洋海浪的波幅形狀。而展品的顏色和花紋會一直變,變化是由公眾下載程式到手機去控制的。

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Next I went to Leicester Square where it was transformed to a fantasy park. Giant plant sculptures, trees and flowers were glowing in the dark, it was just so surreal.

之後我到Leicester Square ,那裏變成一個很大的奇幻樂園。裝置了很多螢光的巨大植物,像夢幻仙境一般。


#####And my final stop of the night was Piccadilly Circus, the heart of London. Busy 24 x 7 x 365, especially on Saturday nights when it's always packed with people. On this weekend, the roads were closed off for the festival allowing people to walk freely around. This is the view looking down towards Piccadilly.


My favourite installation the whole evening were these massive fishes along Regent Street and Piccadilly called Porté par le vent, or Worn by the Wind. These colourful fishes were lit by LED and changed colours as they danced gracefully in the wind throughout the evening. You can see them dancing in my video.




It might have been a cold evening, but I was glad I braved the cold.


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My video is at DLive