Well, with a break of one month, I continue our virtual tour of Sofia. As usual, I share with you my impressions of what I saw.

For a day of walking in the city, I seemed to be in several different eras: the Athenian, Byzantine, the times of Ottoman rule, and also the time in the style of Soviet constructivism.

Come with me...

In the underpass
In the underpass

In the underpass

Of course, every tourist traveler wants to see the famous sights of the city. My husband and I are no exception. We saw the same attractions that you will see. Of course, the angle will be different. Therefore, I show you the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, as I saw.

Administration and residence of the president. Here are the sentries.

I wonder what is there, behind the gate?

Courtyard. Antique Serdica - Rotunda of St. George

This is the Rotunda of St. George and the ruins of the residence of Emperor Constantine I the Great

 Rotunda of St. George
Rotunda of St. George

Sources claim that it is one of the oldest architectural monuments dating from the Roman Empire.

I walked around and took pictures of the Rotunda of St. George and the ruins of the residence of Emperor Constantine I the Great.

Fig trees are not very old.๐Ÿ™„ Very young bushes.๐Ÿ˜

The fruits of the fig tree sprouted and became a tree.

Apparently the ruins of the residence of Emperor Constantine I the Great.

Very modern!

And a cafe is nearby.

Well, let s go further

Central Mineral Bath

The bathhouse was built in 1913 on a thermal spring, and earlier visitors used it as a spa center. It was a long time ago ... Since 2015, the Museum of the History of Sofia has been opened in this building.

Central Mineral Bath
Central Mineral Bath


Walking around the city was a long one, this is only part

To be continued

Sofia. Journey deep into the ages. Part 1