Hello dear travelers. Today I want to tell you about our trip to the city of Cadaqués. During our December visit, we went to a restaurant and wandered around the city a bit.

As we got out of the car, there was an incredibly strong wind outside, making it difficult to reach the restaurant. The place was quite noisy because all the tables were full. While waiting for our meal, we were served anchovy canapés as a starter, which were very delicious. When our meals arrived, everything looked fantastic and we started eating right away. There were shrimp and I had steak and lamb. We sampled a bit of everything.

We left the restaurant feeling full and satisfied. It was a nice restaurant located next to the Cap de Creus lighthouse. The wind was so strong that I had to hold my phone with both hands to keep it from flying away. After visiting Cap de Creus, we started to explore the city of Cadaqués. It was December, around 5:00 pm and it was getting dark. The streetlights were starting to come on. We walked around for about an hour.

In the twilight everything looked different. While the white walls with blue windows or blue flower pots looked one way during the day, they appeared different at sunset. But it was beautiful either way. This is how you can understand Cadaqués. Typical white houses with blue windows. The place was quite hilly, surrounded by mountains on all sides. There were constant ups and downs. The strong wind near the restaurant and lighthouse wasn't present here, but there was still a slight breeze. The wind was cold because it came from the mountains. You can come to Cadaqués directly by bus from Barcelona. It takes about two and a half hours, with winding roads for the last 25 km.

We walked towards the sea. Evening was approaching and the streetlights were on. It was a very cozy place.

We saw a shop and decided to go down. There was a beautiful painting on an electrical or plumbing box. It was very funny and cute. The shop had lovely displays we could look at.

Next to it was another workshop. Inside, an artist was working on a painting. We watched them for a while. Music was playing in the artist's studio. The city was full of interesting things. For example, the ground was quite unusual, with pictures hanging everywhere. It was very enjoyable to look into the workshops through the windows. Everywhere was filled with nice details. The overall atmosphere was very good. In another workshop a girl was painting. These kinds of places looked very charming. Everywhere was decorated with lights for Christmas.

You had to be careful while walking because the road wasn't very smooth. Cars couldn't pass through the narrow streets, but they were beautiful. While wandering the streets, we had made our way down to the sea and walked along the promenade. We entered another street beautifully lit by street lamps. Everywhere was filled with pleasant details. An electrical box was decorated with a painting. We saw an interesting restaurant. Inside there were pictures and photographs. For those who wanted to sit outside, there was an open terrace.

We didn't find a central Christmas tree here, just some nice lights. Those coming in December looking for a Christmas tree might be a bit disappointed. We said hello to Salvador Dali and visited his house. There was a large statue of him in Cadaqués. Everyone was taking pictures with this statue.

This is what Cadaqués was like during Christmas time. At night the temperature dropped to 5 degrees. The sea was very calm. After our walk we returned to our car and went home. It took us two hours to get back. For today I'd like to say goodbye. I really enjoyed Cadaqués. If you travel to Barcelona, I recommend visiting this place.